Chapter 37

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Meredith sat down at the kitchen table with a huff. Derek looked back and forth between she and Ian. Cristina had made a very sneaky exit out the front door, leaving them all in the same room. None of them knew what to say. There was no understanding that they were going to be able to come to. Neither Ian nor Meredith were willing to budge.

"So, what can I do to get you to divorce me?" She asked angrily.

"I don't want a divorce." Ian stated with a shrug.

"Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you?" Derek asked dumbly.

"He has a reason." Meredith stated. "I just haven't figured out what it is yet."

Derek stared at Ian. He couldn't believe how nervy he was. Just sitting there, unwelcome and unwanted. He himself would never be in this position. Ian sat there with a smug grin on his face. Something had to be resolved. Things could not stay the way they were at the moment.

"So, how is Dad?" Meredith asked with a smile.

"Good. He misses you..." Ian trailed off.

"And the queen bitch?" Meredith asked, referring to Ian's mother.

"She passed last month." Ian said sadly.

"She's dead? I'll be damned!" Meredith said with a chuckle. Derek looked at her like she was crazy. "Thank God!"

"Meredith..." Derek whispered under his breath. Ian began to chuckle along with her.

"She didn't have anyone to torture. It killed her..." Ian laughed. "For all those years, she lived on her hatred for you."

"So that's why you're here..." Meredith said with a new found realization.

"What?" Ian asked innocently.

"What is the deal?" Meredith asked frankly. He looked down. "Tell me!" She spat.

"I have been locked out." Ian said quietly, not looking up at her.

"No money?" She asked with a chuckle.

"No money. Nothing." Ian explained. Derek looked at him in surprise. "He gave me fifty-thousand dollars and three months. He said I screwed it up and I have to fix it. He said you were the best thing that ever happened to me, and I needed to get you back. If I don't, I am cut out of everything. The money, the estate..." Ian whined. "So, please come back."

"This is for money?" Derek asked in disgust. "You want Meredith back because of money? Not because you love her?"

"I do love her." Ian clarified quickly. "I do love you..." He said as he glanced at her.

"Whatever..." Meredith said as she rolled her eyes.

"When you left, I didn't care. I won't lie... But after a while, I missed you. I missed you lying in the bed next to me, and the sound of your voice, and your snoring. I even missed your snoring. You have been a part of me for so long... It's like when a tree grows into a fence. You are the fence, and now I can't stand. A piece of my structure has been taken away." He explained.

"Oh please! Now you are likening me to a fence? No. You had your chance, nine years! You had nine years! And you chose. And you can't go back. I am done. Just because you have decided to grow up, doesn't mean that things change. I begged you to grow up. You are only here for the money. I would suggest you get a job, invest your money or become a fucking panhandler, because I am not helping you. You made your bed!" She yelled. "Now you have to lay in it. I want a fucking divorce!"

"I will have you tied up in court forever. You won't even be able to work." He said with a smile. "Not to mention your very promiscuous past..." Derek's interest was immediately piqued.

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