Chapter 115

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It was a struggle. It was humorous. It was embarrassing. It was Derek trying to get the car seats in his Land Rover. He was on a mission. Evelyn tried. Jane tried. He was not taking help. Period. He could do this. They were the only ones in front of the hospital holding babies and balloons. Derek had to show them. He had to be able to do it. Especially with everyone watching.

"You could have done this before you came..." Meredith mentioned, falling on deaf ears.

"Derek, Dear...let me try." Evelyn said as she moved him out of the way.

"I've got it." He snapped as he glared at her.

"Okay..." Evelyn said as she stepped back in shock.

"Derek..." Meredith said as she neared him.

"There. Got it! First one in." He said as he stood back, hands on his hips. "Now I just have to do this one like that one." He muttered to himself. "Ha." He said as he quickly got the second one in place.

Meredith had never seen Derek drive so slowly in her life. He was going twenty-five. Twenty-five in a forty-five. People were beeping. People were yelling. And yet he went on as if he were in his own safe little world. He was pretending his children. ensuring their safety.

"Seriously! Derek. You are going to get us killed." Meredith said as she looked over at him.

"What?" Derek asked as he continued to look forward.

"You are going twenty miles per hour under the speed limit. Someone is going to hit us because we are going so slow!" Meredith snapped.

"I don't want them to get hurt." Derek said as he looked at them in the rearview mirror.

"That is why they are in car seats. They are protected." Meredith said quickly.

"That doesn't save them from shattering glass or when the car flips twelve times!" He said loudly.

"Fine. Five miles under. Or I drive." She told him as she looked at the speedometer.

"You are in no condition to drive." He said quickly.

"I will push you out, onto the road and I will drive. You're going so damn slow, I'm sure you'll be fine when you hit the pavement!" She said as she shook her head.

"Fine." He muttered, as he sped up, much to the relief of the other drivers.

"Finally." Meredith said as they pulled down the driveway. Derek ignored her comment and pulled into the garage in silence.

"What took you so long?" Evelyn asked as she walked into the garage.

"Derek is a slow ass-rse driver." She muttered as she grabbed Devlin.

"You shouldn't be lifting yet." Evelyn said as she grabbed the baby's carrier.

"I'm fine!" Meredith said as she grabbed Delilah.

"Mer, don't push." Derek said as he grabbed Delilah.

"Damn-it! Can I not take care of my own children?" She snapped loudly.

"Mer-" Derek said as he watched her storm off.

"Hormones, dear. She can't control herself right now." Evelyn explained. "This is a big change for everyone."

"Mommy!" Anna shouted loudly as they walked in.

"Shh!" Derek said quickly. The babies immediately started to cry.

"Oh no... This is how Kelsey said it starts." Anna said with a frown as she looked at the crying babies.

"Oh..." Meredith said as she grabbed Devlin, Derek grabbing Delilah. They both began rocking the babies gently. Meredith sat down on the sofa. "I think they're hungry." Meredith told Derek. He nodded.

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