Chapter 27

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Derek went as quickly as he could. He didn't half-ass the surgery, but he was in a hurry. All he could think about was Meredith. He wondered if she was scared. He wished he had told her how he felt. He wished he had told her the truth this morning. That he loved her. That as crazy as it sounded, she was the one that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. They hadn't known each other long, but it was long enough. He quickly closed the patient up, and hurried to the scrub room. The last hour had been hell, but nothing compared to what was to come.

Derek ran out of the scrub room and down the stairwell. He was going down two stairs at a time. Everything was a blur. Life was a blur. He got to the ground floor and was met by a SWAT team. The minute they realized he was a doctor, they dropped their guns down. He saw everyone huddled by the information desk. Richard looked worried. He ran right over, pushing people out of the way as he walked up.

"What's going on?" Derek said loudly.

"Shep, you should probably go." Richard said quickly as he talked to Bill. "We are unsure of how much explosive we are dealing with here. The whole hospital could go. Save yourself." Richard said sadly.

"No, I am not going." Derek spat angrily. "I am not leaving while she's in danger. I will not leave her." Richard gave him a puzzled look. "I can't lose her. I love her..." Derek drifted. Richard had a look of shock, but didn't say anything.

"Where are they?" Derek asked.

"We are fairly certain that they are in the conference room off the south hallway." Bill explained.

"Well, why don't you check the video feed?" Derek suggested.

"Excuse me?" Bill said in shock. "Video feed?"

"Yeah. We have video feed in the conference room. That way we can have conferences with other hospitals." Derek told him with hope in his eye,

"Well, we should be able to tap into that and see what's going on." Bill said. He called over some of the team. They made calls for technical help to come in.

"Shepherd, you are a genius!" Richard said happily.

After awhile they were set up in a office. The tech guys worked on the wiring, and were finally able to tap into the conference room. The screen turned on. There was no audio, but they could see what was going on. Everyone gasped when they saw the man pointing a gun at Meredith. Derek's heart jumped to his throat when he saw the bomb strapped on the guy. Meredith didn't look afraid, and that made them all feel better.

And it's open

For distraction

You found all the words you need

Well I found nothing

I just grumble

'cause I don't know what I feel

"Sit down!" The man yelled at Meredith.

Meredith sat down. He still had the gun pointed at her head. She looked into his eyes. He didn't look like a killer. He had a kind face. He looked like he had been pushed over the edge. He looked like he had given up. She had seen that look in her own eyes no so long ago.

"What do you want?" She asked quietly.

"I should be able to see her. I have rights..." He muttered. He started pacing back and forth. "I have nothing left."

"Maybe I can help..." Meredith spoke as she started to stand up.

"Shut up! Sit your ass down." He yelled as he pointed the gun at her. She sat quickly.

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