Chapter 25

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Meredith awoke abruptly in the middle of the night to crashing sounds. It sounded like someone was trying to break in. She heard things falling, and banging around. She grabbed Derek tightly. She had no idea what it was. He was sleeping soundly. How can he not hear that, she thought.

"Derek." She whispered and shook him lightly.

"Hmm?" He moaned, opening his eyes with a smile.

"Someone is outside." She said quietly. He heard the crashing, and he woke up quickly.

"What the hell?" He said loudly, jumping out of bed. Meredith was scared, but she had to laugh at the sight of his bare ass running toward the door.

"What is it?" She asked as she too jumped out of bed. With a sheet wrapped around her, she rummaged around and found a machete. She heard him yelling and she walked to the door.

"A bear." He said simply as he walked outside.

"A bear?" She said in a panic. "What do you mean, a bear?"

"They're all around out here. We left our food out on the table. I guess he decided to help himself." He said as he grabbed the rubbish and threw it in the trash bag.

"Will it come back?" She asked with a fearful look on her face.

"I will protect you." He said with a smile as he put his hand around her waist.

They walked back into the trailer together. Climbing back into bed, she clung to Derek just a little tighter. He laid there, breathing in the lavender scent of her hair. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep feeling safe in his arms. He fell asleep soon after with a smile on his face.

Meredith woke up before Derek. She wasn't sure if he had set an alarm. She could not afford to be late. She looked over at the clock. She still had an hour to sleep. She wasn't tired. In Derek's arms, three hours sleep was enough. She looked up at his face. He looked happy. She had seen him a lot lately, but at this moment, he looked truly happy. She traced the lines on his face. She memorized his features. She was so afraid to take the next step. She wanted to. She wanted to so badly, it hurt. She wanted to trust Derek. Like everyone says, the third times a charm. But what if this time. it didn't ring true? Derek jerked awake a few minuted before the alarm went off.

"Good morning." He said as he kissed her forehead. She basked in his touch.

"Good morning." She said with a smile. She didn't kiss him back. She couldn't afford to.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked her. He rolled over and turned the alarm off before it went off.

"A while." She answered, looking into his eyes. Their faces were so close.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asked, rubbing her arm gently.

"Yeah. I slept really well." She said softly. She wanted to lay in bed with him all day.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?" He asked her, as he rolled off the side of the bed.

"Um. I don't care. Whatever." She answered.

"How about french toast?" He asked as he threw on a pair of sleep pants.

"French toast is fine." She said, as she sat up.

"I need to take a shower." She said, standing up with the sheet wrapped around her.

"What a coincidence, so do I!" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"No. I shower alone. Plus, your shower is too small. Plus, last night was bad." She responded quickly.

"Oh." He dropped his head. "I thought it was good." He whined.

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