Chapter 106

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Anna laid there and quietly watched her mom sleep. She knew Meredith was tired, and she didn't want to disturb her. She looked over at the clock, and then back at her mom. She was getting bored, and tired of watching her sleep. She didn't know what to do. She jumped slightly when she heard her Meredith's cellphone go off. She ran around the bed and picked it up off of the table.

"Hello?" She said as she opened the phone.

"Hey, baby." Derek said into the phone. Anna immediately smiled at his voice.

"Daddy!" Anna said happily.

"So, are you having fun?" He asked her. He looked over at the picture of Meredith and Anna on the table.

"No." She said frankly as she looked around the room.

"No?" He said in surprise. "Why not?"

"We haven't done anything. Just sleep. Well, mommy sleeps, I watch." She moaned as she looked over. She heard Derek chuckle.

"Mommy needs her rest." Derek said quickly. He was happy to hear that she was taking care of herself.

"Well, should I wake her up?" Anna asked as she looked over, hoping that Meredith would wake up now.

"No. She needs to rest. Maybe you should turn the t.v. on. Or play with the toys you brought." Derek suggested with a sigh.

That answer didn't satisfy Anna. She did what she always does. Wake her up without waking her up. She leaned down as close to her face as she could without touching her. She had doen this before and it always worked.

"Whoa!" Meredith said as she opened her eyes to see Anna's big brown ones in her face.

"Mommy's up." Anna said happily into the phone.

"Who are you talking to?" Meredith said groggily as she looked at Anna.

"Daddy. He called." She stated as she held out the phone.

"Hmm." Meredith moaned as she put her hand out for the phone. "Hey."

"Hey. You sound tired." Derek said with a from.

"I just woke up." She said matter-of-factly. "How are you?" She asked softly.

"I'm fine. Did you walk on the plane?" He drilled.

"I did. And I haven't eaten anything funky. I haven't eaten, actually." Meredith said with a frown.

"You need to eat." Derek said forcefully.

"I will. Ian, Anna and I are going to go out to dinner later." She told him.

"Good. That is what I want to hear." He said happily. "So... How is Ian?" Derek asked out of necessity, rather than true interest.

"He's getting along. I think he will be okay." Meredith told him quickly as she climbed out of bed and to the bathroom.

"Are you peeing?" Derek asked as he listened to the telltale sound.

"I am. Sorry." She said frankly. "I had to go. When it's time, it's time." Meredith said with haste. "I have no control anymore."

"That's what twins will do to you, I suppose." Derek said with a chuckle.

"So how was your day?" Meredith asked as she walked back out to the sofa.

"I had a craniotomy, nothing exciting." Derek told her nonchalantly.

"Better than sitting on a plane forever." Meredith said with a chuckle. "Oh, crap. Ian's on the other line. I have to go." Meredith said happily. "I love you."

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