Chapter 126

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"Class?" Derek said with a chuckle.

"Yes. Class. As in English Literature." She said as she looked up at the clock. "Mr. Thompson is going to be pissed. It's the second time this week."

"Mr. Thompson is aware of your absence." Justin chipped in. "You have a good reason."

"Well, I feel fine. Except for this bump..." She said as she rubbed her head. "And who are you?" She asked as she looked up at Derek.

"I-" Derek said in shock. His wife had no idea who he was. The only link to what happened was broken, gone.

"He's my intern." Just said quickly.

"Your intern?" She laughed. "You're a little old to be an intern. Not that that's a bad thing. I mean that your old. Not that you're an old intern. But he's your attending and he's younger than you, so that must totally screw up your confidence," She told him with a giggle.

"I'm pretty confident. Besides, I'm not as old as I look..." He said with a smirk. "How old are you?"

"You have my chart." She said frankly. She rolled her eyes. "Seventeen. Almost done with school. I'm going to Vegas with my friends in a couple of weeks."

"That sounds like fun." Justin said quickly.

"Wait a second... Is this a joke? Did my mom do this? Forget I said that. My mom is an ice queen. They called me Mrs. Shepherd." She giggled.

"Wrong chart." Justin told her quickly.

"Dumb nurses." She muttered. She rubbed her head again.

"Does your head hurt, Mer?" Derek asked as he rubbed her head softly. She looked up at him and smiled softly. "A little." She muttered as she winced. "You smell good." She said as she breathed him in. "And your hair..."

"He's McDreamy..." Justin laughed.

"McDreamy?" Meredith laughed.

"Yep. That's what they call him around here." Justin said with a nod.

"You are... I can see it." Meredith agreed.

"Are you hitting on me?" Derek asked with a smile.

"Maybe." Meredith agreed.

"I think she needs something for the pain." Justin said as he pushed meds into her i.v. Derek nodded.

"I'm sleepy..." She giggled before she fell asleep. Derek gasped as he walked out into the hallway. The tears fell hard and fast as he leaned against the wall.

"Derek, she could wake up in ten minutes with her full memory back. I don't have to tell you that." Justin said frankly.

"That doesn't make it any easier." Derek said with a frown as he closed his eyes. He heard Justin's footsteps disappear. He opened his eyes and wiped the tears.

"Derek?" A familiar voice said as she walked up. Derek looked up. She was older, but it was her. Her light brown hair...

"Rebecca? Rebecca Thomas?" He said in shock.

"Hey!" She said as she walked up and gave him a hug. "You don't look so good." She said with a frown.

"Yeah..." He said with a sigh as he looked it. She grabbed the chart and walked in the room with him.

"Your wife..." She said as she looked at the bed.

"She is." Derek said as he walked over and stroked her cheek. "She was awake. Confused. Disoriented. Stuck in the past."

"The last place you want her to be..." She said as the walked out and looked at her scans.

"Exactly." He agreed.

Never Leave Your Heart AloneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon