Chapter 108

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"Where are we going?" Meredith asked as she followed Ian with haste.

"You'll see." Ian said as he opened the car door and watched Anna buckle her seat belt. He quickly climbed into the driver's seat and stuck the key in the ignition.

"Ian, seriously? What are we doing?" She asked as she stared at him.

"We are getting your ass out of here!" He said with a huge grin.

"How? What did you do? How did you get the airline to let me on?" She asked excitedly.

A wave of relief washed over her. She was going home. She couldn't wait to go home. She saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Ian came through. He stepped up to the plate. She had never been so happy. She was going to see her husband. She had lost all hope. And now, now she was going home.

"Airline? Who said anything about and airline?" He said as he looked over at her with a serious face.

"How else would I get home? A space shuttle?" She asked with a giggle.

"Actually...I was thinking about the cargo hold of a barge..." He said as he looked over at her. She quickly began to laugh at the thought. He looked at his serious face.

"Oh my god..." She said in disbelief.

A barge? A ship? Cargo hold? What the hell was he thinking. That would take more time than having an exam and waiting around for a flight. And then if something happens, no one would be there to help me. Not to mention I have a six year old with me. She can't hide in the cargo hold of a ship like a stowaway.

"Ian, are you out of your freaking mind?" Meredith said quickly. "This is insane. This idea is crazy." She said as she shook her head. "I can't take Anna in a cargo hold of a ship, are you out of your fucking mind?"

"Oh, come on, Mer. It'll be like a grand adventure." He said with a grin as he sped along.

"A grand adventure? A grand adventure is going on a real vacation. A grand adventure is buying a new pair of shoes. A grand adventure is not curling up in a box illegally, and hoping you don't get caught. A grand adventure isn't sweating to death while in your third trimester, and puking your guts out from sea sickness." She said in shock. "Ian, I have to say this has got to be your shittiest idea yet."

"Where is your sense of adventure?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I think we just went over that." She spat. "And how the hell am I supposed to get off of this ship?"

"Well, I suppose there are a few guys in on the plan..." He said with a smile.

"This is un-freaking-believeable!" She said loudly. "Derek...I need to call Derek..." She said in a panic. "He will be waiting for me..."

"Why haven't you called him yet?" Ian asked matter-of-factly.

"Well, I figured I would work out a plan." Meredith said as she pulled out her phone.

"We did work out a plan. You should tell him." Ian said as he neared their destination.

"Yes, honey. I won't be on the flight. I'll be at the nearest dock on the East coast. In about two weeks!" She yelled loudly. Her eyes got wide when she looked up. "You ass!" She said as she smacked him.

"You didn't really think I would put you in the cargo hold of a ship, did you?" Ian said as he laughed loudly.

"No. But you were starting to make me worry." She said frankly. "So what are we doing?"

"We, my love, are taking the corporate jet." He said with a grin as he pulled in.

"The corporate jet?" She said looking at him.

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