Chapter 80

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"We need to go see Addison." Derek said with a smile. He quickly stood up as the scrub nurses came in. They all gave him a funny look as he climbed up from the floor. He looked at Meredith and grabbed her hand, taking her into the hallway.

"Derek, she's probably busy. And I am working. And you are working." Meredith pointed out. She was excited as he was, but the world wouldn't stop because they are pregnant.

"Well, let's at least see where she's at." Derek said as he walked down the hallway and led her into the elevator.

"Bailey is going to wonder where I am..." Meredith muttered as the doors shut.

"I will handle Bailey." Derek responded confidently. "It all makes sense now. You eating all that crazy stuff. The breast tenderness. The moodiness. The weight gain-" He said happily. He was in a permanent bubble of happiness.

"The what?" Meredith asked in shock. She had fire in her eyes. He looked up at her with a faint smile. "What did you say?"

"Breast tenderness?" He suggested quickly.

"No, after that..." She said sharply. She watched his face. She knew that he knew.

"Moodiness." He muttered softly. He was going to have to say it sooner or later.

"Nope, not that one." She said loudly.

"Weight gain." He said reluctantly. That was the one. He was going to get it for this one.

"So I'm getting fat?" She yelled angrily.

"Oh god no!" He said quickly. "No, not fat. You're just getting a little bump..."

"I am not!" She said as she stuck out her bottom lip. She looked down. She lifted her shirt. He was right. It was there. Tiny, but there. She couldn't believe she hadn't noticed it before. "I'm already getting fat..." She whined.

"Mer- You are beautiful." Derek said as he pulled her close, his hand rested on her abdomen. The elevator doors opened and they walked onto Addison's floor. Derek placed his hand on the small of her back and led her down the hallway. They both spotted Addison standing at the end of the hallway talking to a nurse. Derek marched right in. He didn't care if she was busy. Addison looked at her ex-husband and rolled her eyes. She quickly sent the nurse away.

"Hey guys." Addison said with a smile. She looked at them both. Derek had a stupid grin on his face. "What's going on?"

"We're- Mer's-" He stammered. This was definitely a time to stammer, if ever a time.

"Oh my god! You're pregnant!" She said with a huge smile. Meredith and Derek both nodded their heads enthusiastically. The toothy grins on their face looked reminiscent of cartoon character's.

"How'd you know?" Meredith asked with a giggle. She was giddy, unbelievably giddy.

"Besides the stupid-ass grin on Derek's face?" Addison said with a laugh. "Not to mention you are glowing. I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner! You really are glowing." Addison said as she looked up and down at Meredith. "Congratulations!" She said as she hugged Meredith and then Derek. "I'm so happy for you guys."

"So we were hoping..." Derek said with his signature smile and pleading eyes.

"Of course I will be your doctor." She said with a smile. "I have a surgery in thirty, but if you want to come by later, we will do an ultrasound." Addison suggested.

"Really? " Meredith asked, Addison nodded. "Our first ultrasound..." She said as she felt Derek pull her into a hug.

"We're having a baby." He said with another huge smile. "Thanks Addie."

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