Chapter 66

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Derek sat in bed and watched Meredith walk back and forth. They had had a busy day. Well, he didn't really. It was Meredith who had tried on a thousand dresses. And of course, Anna had to try on literally every dress in her size. Meredith made a mental note that she had to yell at Addison. She was turning Anna into a girl. But not just a girl, a very girly girl who like pink and frilly dressed. Meredith wasn't accustomed to that. She was Cristina, they were a different breed. They didn't like that stuff. The fact that Meredith was trying on shoes and dresses all day was a big deal.

So now there she paced. Evidently she wasn't content with having Derek handle everything. She didn't think he could handle the flowers and the accommodations. Or the cake and the food. The whole situation was awkward. Who has a wedding with six people, two of them being the bride and groom? But this was what she wanted. She wanted a small gathering. She had only wanted it to be the two of them. But she needed Cristina to keep her head on straight. And Anna, she had to be there. She is their family. And Drew he needed to come to balance things out. And that left Jane. Because Meredith knew that Anna could not stay in their room with them. So, there she paced, hoping Derek had been his McDreamy self. Hoping that he had gotten everything right.

"Mer, you're making me sick. This back and forth-" He said as she walked back and forth. "Stop!" He demanded. She stopped and looked at her.

"If I were working, I'd be okay. But no, I am home-" She started to complain. "You're sure everything-"

"Do you not trust me?" He asked. She stopped and looked at him. "You should. I am very trustworthy. And capable. I am very capable. Everything is fine. And Richard insisted you take the day off. He said you would need to pack for vacation. Apparently everyone you know, can see that you have run yourself into the ground. Except you. You haven't noticed. You are beyond the ground. You are now reside in an underground tunnel." He said as he shook his head.

"I do not reside in an underground tunnel. It's more a burrow, really." She returned with a laugh.

"No wonder you're so pale..." He joked, then turned serious. "Do you know what you need to do?" He asked as he stood up, crossing the room, closing the space between them.

"What is that?" She asked as she leaned her chin against his chest and looked up into his eyes.

"You...need to pee on a stick..." He said as she looked down at her. Her face dropped. "And I will start a bath, because you definitely need to relax." He said as he kissed her forehead and walked into the bathroom, starting the water.

"You do realize you just raised my stress level, right?" She said loudly as she went to her bureau and grabbed her pajamas.

"You don't have to, I just-" He started to explain. "Burying our heads in the sand isn't going to make anything go away. Or happen for that matter." She looked into his eyes and laid her head against his muscular chest. She took a deep breath in. "But, it's up to you..."

"We need to. We need to know, I guess." She said with a sigh as she walked into the bathroom, grabbing the box she had come to hate.

The bath water was perfect. She closed her eyes, lowering herself into the bubbles. She was so lucky to have Derek. All the men, all the boys. There were many. But Derek, he stood out. He was the guy. She was meant to be with him. She had gotten so used to being unhappy. And now, she had happiness pouring out of her. But somehow she wasn't complete and it was that dreaded stick sitting on the vanity. She hated that stick. But it wasn't the stick's fault. The stick was an in-adamant object. Nope it wasn't the stick. It was her. It was her toxic uterus and retarded eggs.

And now she was heading to the Caribbean to get married to the man she loved. She was going to tie herself to him eternally. It was all too perfect. And all these years, the one thing she learned was that nothing was perfect. In fact, perfect wasn't even in her vocabulary anymore. She had always blamed everyone, but she knew, deep down, that she was the one to blame. Sure her mom was a crappy one. But people rise above that. She had spent so much time blaming everyone else, it had consumed her. And yet, she was trying. And this time she needed it to work out. Not all wrinkly, like and un-ironed shirt. But starched and crisp. She knew deep down, if anyone could give that to her, it was Derek.

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