Chapter 111

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"I am not happy about this." Derek said firmly as he sat down the the kitchen table.

"Derek... Addison approved it. You were right there next to me. you heard her say it." Meredith said as she sat across from him and took a bite of her english muffin. Peanut butter and honey, her new favorite.

"A week. One week of rest. I think you need to take off until the twins get here." He said with a serious tone.

"No. I can't. I will be off for forever when they get here. I need to work. I have to use my mind." She told him frankly. "If I watch one more t.v. show, I think my head will explode. And I will be on SCUT. I'm not even doing anything overwhelming." She said as she shoved the last bite in her mouth.

"Meredith, now is not the time to be stubborn." He told her as he took another bite of his muesli.

"I'm not being stubborn. If it bothers me, I will stop. I promise." She said with a smile.

"I don't know about you, Meredith. You are too much for me." He said with a huff.

"Well, if that's the case, I'm sure you could find some other woman to put up with you. Actually... Probably not." She said with a chuckle.

"Definitely not. And I wouldn't want another one. You are all I need. And you are almost more than I can handle." He told her.

"Did anyone feed the horses?" Meredith asked as she looked out at the barn.

"Jane does when she comes. But I think Anna will need to start doing it too." Derek told her with a nod.

"She's too young to go out there by herself." Meredith told him.

"Well, i will help her." He said quickly.

"See, here is the problem. You can't. You work. Our schedule is nuts. There is no way we could do it. Now we have the thing... If Jane quit, we'd be screwed." Meredith told him.

"Jane wouldn't quit. And we would figure it out. Besides, it's teaching Anna responsibility." Derek told her as he took his last bite of muesli.

"Keep telling yourself that." She told him with a chuckle. "I think it's teaching her how spoiled she is and can be." She snapped. "Well, I need to go." She said as she leaned down and kissed him. "I'm sure there is an awesome surgery that will be happening today. Maybe holding something very heavy. Or standing in the OR for thirteen hours."

"Don't make me have to check up on you." He shouted after her.

"Goodbye, Derek." She said as she shut the door behind her.

Meredith climbed in the car. She was lucky. Very lucky. Long legs. If she didn't have long legs, there would be no way she could drive. Her stomach was very close to touching the steering wheel. It wasn't dangerous yet, but it was getting close. The load she was carrying around seemed to get heavier and heavier by the day. It wouldn't be long before she couldn't drive.

"You are a cow." Cristina said as she looked down at Meredith's stomach as she pulled her top off.

"Thanks, bitch." Meredith joked as she pulled her shirt down.

"No problem, you old married whore." Cristina responded with a smile.

"Holy shit, Grey!" Alex said as he began to laugh. "You aren't having twins, you're having a football team."

"Don't listen to him. You look great." George said with a nod.

"O'Malley, do you have an obsession with pregnant women now?" Alex said with a chuckle.

"Meredith, you look fine." Izzie said firmly as she walked over and put her hands on her stomach. "And you two are so lucky you stayed put." She told the twins happily. They heard the door open and glanced up.

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