Chapter 9

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"I really didn't want to go to Las Vegas for spring break. I wanted to go to Cancun, or someplace tropical. I wanted to lay on the beach, sipping tropical mixed drinks. My friend, Megan insisted we go. Her boyfriend, Chris wanted to go there to meet some of his friends. I obviously wasn't going anywhere by myself, so I agreed. My mom, she was mad. She wanted me to stay home. I needed to be responsible, get ready for college. I had graduated from high school one semester early. I had just turned eighteen. I had freedom, and I wanted to fly. We got in a fight, and I told her I was going. A few days later, I was on a plane headed to Las Vegas." Meredith began her story, as Addison listened intently.

"Can you please just stop talking?" Meredith said, laying her head back against the seat.

"I can't help it! I am excited. We are going to Las Vegas! Clubs, casinos, how awesome is that?" Meg said happily.

"Really awesome if you are eighty and retired." Meredith responded dryly.

"Oh, come on, Mer. You will have a good time!" Chris, Megan's boyfriend shouted over to her.

"Yeah, okay. I am going to be a third wheel." Meredith whined as she closed her eyes.

"No, you aren't, there are going to be tons of hot college guys." Megan piped in. "Are you just upset about Jake?" Megan asked sympathetically.

"Oh yeah, she's upset." Chris rolled his eyes. "A chick doesn't dump her boyfriend two days before she leaves for Las Vegas for nothing. It was because Jake couldn't go, and she wanted have a good time with or without him. She's not upset." He laughed. Meredith ignored his comment, even if it was slightly true.

"Spring break is supposed to be tropical. Bathing suits, hot sun, sandy beaches..." Meredith whined.

"It will be fun, I promise." Megan said. Chris leaned over and kissed her. Meredith rolled her eyes and turned away. "Oh, here." Megan hands Meredith an i.d.

"What's this?" Meredith asked, grabbing it.

"It's a fake i.d., dummy, If you want to go clubbing and drink, you are going to need it!" Megan laughed.

"Oh, yeah. Duh." Meredith said, looking at the i.d. "Thanks." She had a feeling that she was going to get into way too much trouble in Las Vegas.

Meredith grabbed her bags and headed up to the hotel room with Megan and Chris. Megan and Meredith were sharing a room, Chris was sharing a room with his friends. The room was fairly nice, and looked clean. Meredith put her bags down and collapsed on the bed. It felt great to be free, to do what she wanted. Her mom didn't keep a tight leash on her, but she did put a lot of pressure on her to succeed.

"Come on!" Megan chirped, as she smacked Meredith in the arm.

"What?" Meredith said with a moan. She didn't feel like doing anything.

"Let's go do something." Megan said, smiling.

"You go, I'll rest!" Meredith suggested.

"No." Megan stated loudly.

"Besides, Las Vegas doesn't come to life until dark. I want to be at the top of my game. You and Chris can go hang out." Meredith said, laying her head on her pillow.

"Fine. You are definitely coming out tonight though." Megan whined, and she walked out the door and into the hallway.

"Okay." Meredith said. She closed her eyes and took a nap.

"Come on, Mer!" Megan yelled through the door. "We said we would meet them fifteen minutes ago!"

"I'm almost done." Meredith said, finishing up her makeup. She never wore makeup at home. Las Vegas was different. She was going to come to life. She opened the door, revealing herself. She was wearing a black skirt and a red halter top.

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