Chapter 98

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Derek held the phone tightly in his hand. He was lucky it didn't crush under his grip. His knuckles were white. His temples, pounding. He was ready to jump through it. To appear out of thin air in Marty's office. Then he would be free to strangle him and disappear without notice. He listened to the quiet line. Waiting for Marty to answer, still unsure exactly what he was going to say.

"Dr. Shepherd, hello." Marty said as he came onto the line. Derek even hated his voice. His annoyingly confident womanizing voice. "What can I do for you?"

"We have decided not to go through with the security system. We won't be needing your services after all." Derek stated curtly into the phone.

"Oh!" Marty said in shock. "Can I ask you why?" He said with a bit of worry in his voice.

"We've decided we don't need it at the moment." Derek responded quickly.

"Oh, okay. I understand. People have their reasons." He told him as he brushed it off. "If you change your mind, or need anything else, please call me." Marty said quickly.

"Well, I don't think that will be happening." Derek said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Well, have a nice day, Dr. Shepherd." Marty said, trying to be kind.

"Oh, yeah..." Derek started. He heard Marty breathing into the phone. "If you touch my wife again...if you even look at her, you won't have to worry about seeing or feeling anything ever again." Derek said forcefully. Marty remained silent. "Mr. Tanner, do you understand me? Did I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Marty responded. Derek quickly hung up the phone with a somewhat satisfied grin on his face.

"Who was that?" Meredith asked as she walked out of the bathroom, rubbing her wet hair with a towel.

"Marty." Derek said softly. Meredith's face turned white as she looked at Derek in fear.

"Mar- Marty?" She asked with a frown. Derek quickly jumped up and walked to her.

"Look at me." Derek said as he lifted her head and looked into her eyes. "Don't worry about him. He will never bother you again." He told her confidently.

"I- You don't-" She stammered as her eyes welled up.

"He knows I know. I really don't think he will be bothering you anymore. And he hasn't since Drew punched him, right?" Derek asked he quietly as he wiped her tears with his thumb.

"No. No, he hasn't." Meredith responded with a nod.

"He's preys on people. But once someone faces him, he backs down." Derek told her with a smile. "You are fine. You will be fine. I will never let anything happen do you. Understand?"

"I love you." She said as she pulled him close. She remained there for a few moments. "Do you have surgery today?" She asked as she pulled away.

"Actually, I have a hemispherectomy at Grace." Derek said with a grin.

"No fair." She pouted as she stuck out her lip.

"Well, maybe you could scrub in. You'd have to clear it with Richard and Justin Rayburn." Derek said with a grin.

"What time?" She asked with a faint smile.

"Nine." He responded. She dropped her towel and began to pull her panties on. "And you really can't do that." He said as he motioned her to body. She looked down and him and grinned.

"I guess it's lucky you'll be at the hospital, huh?" Meredith grinned as she ran her hand down him and felt his erection. "Too bad I'd be late..." She said with as sigh and she squeezed him softly.

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