Chapter 122

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"Okay guys..." Meredith said as she put on Delilah and Devlin's Thing One and Thing Two onesies. "We can do this." She said happily as she looked around the nursery.

"Daddy is going to be so surprised." She said as she began backing their diaper bag with everything but the changing table. "And you guys have to be good. Especially you, Devlin. No crying." She told him as she kissed him on the forehead.

"And Delilah, you just act as sweet as you always do." She said as she kissed her softly on the forehead.

Meredith carried both babies to the car and strapped them in. This was the first time she had gone anywhere by herself with them. She was worried, but she would never tell Derek. If she told him, he would be home in a second, and she needed to be able to do it herself.

Meredith pulled into the parking lot of Seattle Grace. It was good to be back, even if it was just for a checkup and a visit. The air was crisp. She covered both of their carriers with blankets, and tucked blankets around them. They were ready. She was ready. And she couldn't wait.

The familiar sterile smell of the hospital was refreshing. It felt like home. She hated to admit that the hospital smelled more like home than her home. It was only because she spent so much time there. That was another major concern. How would she ever be able to juggle the work and baby schedule. It was daunting. Overwhelming. Not something she wanted to talk or think about.

"Oh my God!" A nurse said as Meredith walked onto the elevator. "Is that them?"

"It is." Meredith said with a nod.

"Can I see?" She asked as she looked down at the blanket-clad carriers.

"Sure." Meredith said begrudgingly. What was she supposed to say? She pulled back the blankets, revealing two sleeping faces.

"Oh, they're beautiful." She squealed as she looked down. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Meredith said as she stepped off the elevator, on to Addison's floor.

"Babies!" Izzie shouted as she jogged down the hallway. She rushed right up to the carriers. "Hey there." She said with a smile and she rubbed their faces.

"Is that-" A nurse said as she walked up.

"Back off!" Izzie spat as she shot her a glare. "I'm seeing them..."

"Geez, Iz..." Meredith said softly.

"They're like vultures." She explained as she picked up Delilah. "They just want to see McDreamy's progeny."

"It's okay. Once they see them, the excitement will wear off." Meredith told her as she rubbed Delilah's head. "I have to meet with Addison." Meredith said as she picked up the carrier. Izzie placed Delilah in the carrier, and followed.

Meredith grabbed the carrier out of her hand and walked into the empty room. She slid off her jeans and put a gown on. She smiled as she looked up at the calendar on the wall. November 14th. Derek had been counting down the days. He didn't think she knew, but she did. And now, she was hoping she could surprise him.

"Mer..." Addison said as she walked in. "Devvie, and Lilah." She said softly as she looked down at them. "How is everything?"

"I was hoping you could tell me." Meredith said with a grin. "Actually Derek was hoping."

"Well, we'll see how everything looks. How have the twins been?" Addison asked as she looked over.

"Really good. A little colicky. Devlin is a mama's boy. I deny it in front of Derek, but it's true." Meredith said with a shrug.

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