Chapter 119

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Meredith sighed as she felt Derek's warm arms around her. It felt right. It felt like it always had. Her open eyes looked at his closed ones. She felt so sick. So guilty. She had put so much on him. Not intentionally. She was in so much pain, she couldn't function. She couldn't take care of herself. Yesterday Derek made her realize. He made her realize what she was doing. And what she stood to lose.

She gently wiggled free from Derek's grip, careful not to wake him. She walked out of their room and into Anna's. She was sleeping soundly. It was Saturday. After the week they had, she wasn't going to wake her. She planted a soft hiss on her forehead and walked to the nursery.

She smiled when she say the twins curled up together. Double bedding. They were doing it now. It was Derek's idea. He said they needed companionship, and he seemed to be right. Now they were sleeping a lot better. She stroked their cheeks and smiled. She had come so close. Not to leaving. She would have never left. She came close to pushing Derek away. Over the edge.

"Eww. Mommy stinks." She muttered as she smelled herself. "Apparently that's what three days of laying in bed does to you..." She said as she turned and walked out.

She walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on, climbing it. It felt so good. To was off the sweat. The dirt. The tears. The guilt. To let it all go down the drain, washing out of her life. The hot water felt good on her cold body. She ran her hands down her stretched skin. They definitely took their toll on her. She closed her eyes as she left the water run down her face.

"Hey..." Derek said as he walked into the shower with her.

"Shit! You scared me..." She said as she opened her eyes. "I needed a shower. You could have told me that I was stinky." She laughed.

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings." He said with a smile.

"How could you stand it?" She asked as she tilted her head.

"I put Vicks in my nose." He chuckled as he plugged it.

"Seriously?" She said in shock. "Seriously?" She asked as she smacked his arm playfully.

"I'm kidding. I love you. I grinned and bared it, because I love you." He said as he leaned in and kissed her softly. She leaned back against the wall as his tongue slid into her mouth. She missed it. She missed his taste. She missed this feeling. Their tongues danced gracefully, before he pulled away.

"I love you." She said with a smile.

"I love you too." He agreed.

"And I won't grin and bear it. If you stink, you shower. Period." She said with a smile.

"Okay." He said with a chuckle. She caught him looking at her body.

"It's disgusting. I know." She said with a sigh. "It's stretched. I'm stretched like a deflated balloon."

"You are gorgeous..." He told her with a smile.

"Derek, seriously..." She said as she dropped her head and turned away.

"Breathtaking." He said as he pushed his body against hers and put his chin his her shoulder. She felt his hands rub her thighs, then her abdomen. He softly massaged her swollen breasts. She gasped felt his hard member rub against her left butt cheek. Meredith turned and faced him.

"Derek..." She said as she looked down. "Damn six weeks..." She muttered as she stared.

"It's okay..." He said with a smile.

She looked up into his eyes. Her hand trailed down to his shaft and grasped it. He gasped and tensed up as she began stroking him.

"Mer..." He moaned as he felt her thumb massaging it's tip. "God...Ohh..." He moaned as she quickened her pace and tightened her grip. "Shit..." He moaned as he began to pulsate. "Oh..." He moaned as he released. Meredith smiled when she watched him release and fall against the wall, needing support.

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