Chapter 21

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Meredith smiled when her alarm went off at four-thirty. She was happy. She was returning to her favorite place. She was sure she was going to scrub in on a kick ass surgery. The only thing on her list of what not to do: Run into Derek. She threw on a clean top and jeans and jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"It's a beautiful day to save lives, people." She said to Izzie and George. That is what Derek always says.

"So, are you happy, or what?" George grumbled.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, George?" Meredith giggled.

"Yeah, only because he was in it by himself!" Izzie laughed.

"Shut up!" George shouted. Meredith rolled her eyes and poured some coffee in her cup.

"Aren't you going to eat, Mer?" Izzie asked as she took a bite of her english muffin.

"Nope. I'm good." She said. "Is it time to go yet?" Meredith asked happily.

"Not yet." George said loudly, rolling his eyes.

"Now?" Meredith asked, her eyes lit up. "Wait! I'm driving." She said, walking towards the door. "I can go now."

"But you're our ride!" George yelled as he heard the door open.

"Then you better hurry your ass up!" She said, walking to her car. They didn't follow. She turned the key and started the car. She started to pull out of the driveway when both Izzie and George came running out of the house. George had one shoe on and one in his hand.

"You weren't kidding!" Izzie laughed as she jumped in the Jeep.

"Now I have dirt on my socks." George whined, putting his shoes on.

"Oh, waa." Meredith joked.

"You say that, but just watch, I'll have to take my shoes off today and everyone will see my dirty socks." George pointed out.

"No one cares about your socks, George." Meredith pointed out.

They didn't talk much on the ride there. Meredith was wrapped up in how she would avoid Derek. It wasn't just the sex. She was worried that he would see it in her eyes. She didn't want him to think that there was a chance. She did have feeling towards him, but she was never going to let them show, and she was never going to act on them. Meredith pulled into the hospital parking lot and saw Derek getting out of his car.

"Crap!" Meredith said, pulling into a spot in the very back corner, farthest away from him.

"Why crap?" George asked dumbly, as he began to pull the door handle.

"It's nothing." Izzie said nonchalantly.

"Duck!" Meredith said. They all leaned down.

"Why are we ducking?" George asked, looking up at her.

"Um, no reason." Meredith said with a smile. "Stay down." She said, shoving George down. Meredith heard someone knock on the window. "Shit!" She looked up to see Cristina and sighed.

"Hiding from someone?" Cristina joked. "McDreamy, maybe?"

"Why would she be hiding from Dr. Shepherd?" George asked, climbing out of the Jeep.

"Maybe because she had crazy-hot sex with him, and now she's avoiding him!" Cristina spat. Meredith smacked her.

"You had sex with Shepherd?" George asked.

"We're going to be late." Meredith said, purposely rushing to the hospital entrance. Izzie nodded yes to George, whose eyes nearly popped out of his head. They all walked into the locker room. Some of the interns pointed and whispered, but Meredith wasn't going to let it get to her. She quickly changed into her scrubs and sat on the bench waiting for Dr. Bailey. She flung the door open and burst in.

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