Chapter 7

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"So, you didn't come home last night." George said with a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Yeah." Meredith responded. "I stayed over."

"Oh." George said quietly, tucking his shirt into his scrubs.

"So where is Iz?" Meredith asked.

"She had something to do this morning. She will be in later." George told her.

Bailey came in and gave assignments. Meredith headed off to meet with Dr. Burke. She hadn't worked with him yet. She searched and finally found him in a patient's room.

"Dr. Grey. Nice of you to join us. This is Mrs. Jackson. She is in for a triple bypass. I need you to prep her for surgery and meet me in the operating room." Burke ordered.

"Right away, Sir." Meredith answered. He walked out of the room. Meredith prepped the patient, and made her way into the operating room.

Meredith watched as Dr. Burke performed the surgery. He was precise, he was perfect. Every move he made, was thought-out and purposeful. She could see why he was top-notch. She had heard a resident gossiping about how Dr. Burke and Dr. Carter couldn't stand each other. Rumor has it that they were very competitive. Both were great cardio-thoracic surgeons. Dr. Burke was professional, he didn't stammer. Not until now.

"So I'm surprised you didn't have Cristina Yang scrub in." Meredith said simply.

"Um, Cristina, uh. All interns should try out all fields." He finally said, after stammering his way through the first part of his sentence.

"I just meant, because she is so talented with cardio. It is her chosen specialty." Meredith said, trying to set things right.

"I know what you meant, Grey. She needs to try everything out. You should never be set on a field until you have tried everything, several times." He explained. It was then. She knew it. Cristina was sleeping with Burke. That little whore!

Meredith was walking a straight path. She was on a mission. She was going to call her person out. She was walking up the back stairway, when an arm grabbed her. Chase pulled her into his office.

"Meredith." He said. "I've been looking for you."

"Oh, you have?" She said with a giggle

"I have." Chase pushes her against the wall and kissed her.

"You are bad!" She said.

"I know." He pulls up her scrub shirt. "I didn't get any last night. I think I may be addicted to you..." Her pager goes off.

"It's Bailey." She said with disappointment in her voice.

"Go." He said sadly. She starts to walk out. "Hey, Mer?"

"Yeah?" She said, turning around.

"I do, you know." He said. She knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I know you do." He loved her, and she couldn't return the favor. Not yet. "See you later."

Meredith ran to find Dr. Bailey. She and Cristina were both standing at the nurses station. Meredith walked up.

"I think we have a surgical case from the pit. I'm going to need you both to scrub in." Dr. Bailey ordered. "You two go run an MRI, and a CT. Page me when you're done." Cristina walked away with Meredith.

"He said 'I Love you'. My guy, he said it. I couldn't say it back. He knew I heard it. We were just going to bed, and he slipped it out. What do I do?" Meredith said nervously.

Never Leave Your Heart AloneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz