Chapter 55

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Derek felt Meredith's hand tighten around his. He didn't squeeze back. He didn't want to convey a sense of false hope. He was a little worried. In a split second things would be changing for them. At first thought, this custody thing was no big deal. He was doing it for Meredith. But after meeting Anna, after seeing how special she was, he wanted her to come with them. If she didn't disappointment wouldn't even cover it. And Meredith, he knew she would be a mess. He looked at Carol, willing her to make eye contact. Finally she did.

"We have decided to place Anna with both of you." She said with a smile.

A wave of emotions washed over both Meredith and Derek. They each let out loud sighs of relief. He looked over at Meredith. She was on the verge of tears. He, himself was near tears. He had never felt so happy, so relieved.

"Really?" Meredith asked in shock.

"Yes. But this isn't like a puppy. You don't take it home and take the best care you can of it. You are first required to attend an orientation session in person or view orientation videos and take an orientation quiz. After that, you must take 30 hours of Pre-service Training and a First Aid/CPR and Blood Born Pathogens course. The fact that you are both doctors does not change this." She scolded as she looked through the paperwork.

"Of course. Whatever we need to do. We are fully committed to this." Derek said with a grin.

"I'm sure you are." She said with a smile.

"So what happens next?" Meredith asked with a soft face. Her inside were still churning.

"You have a lot of training and classes ahead of you." She said frankly. She handed them paperwork to look over and sign. They began scribbling happily.

"Anna will be brought to your home tomorrow. What time is good for you?" Carol asked.

"Anytime." Meredith said happily. She didn't care, she would take off of work if she had to.

"Five works best for me." Carol said as she looked in her organizer.

"Sounds good." Meredith said quickly.

"I will see you both tomorrow." She said as she stood up from behind her desk.

"Okay, I will see you tomorrow at five."

"Thank you so much." Derek said as he stuck his hand out.

"Thank you." Meredith said with a grin.

Meredith and Derek walked out of the building hand in hand. Meredith could hold the hot tears that were willing their appearance. She finally let them fall, tears of joy. The minute they walked outside, Derek pulled Meredith close. They stood them in each other's arms.

"I can't believe it!" Meredith said happily.

"I know. Our lives just changed. We blinked, and they changed." He said softly.

"I think they changed for the better." She whispered in his chest.

"I know they did." He whimpered into her hair. "Come on..." He said as he pulled her to the car.

"What?" She asked, surprised at his haste.

"We have a lot to do!" He said as he opened he car door and she climbed in.

"Where are we going?" She asked again.

"You'll see..." He said with a chuckle.

Derek was so happy. He couldn't even began to show how happy he was. He looked over at Meredith. She looked so content. This meant so much to her, and he knew it. Her face lit up when they pulled into the parking lot of the nearest furniture store. He looked over at her, she turned her head and met his gaze with a smile.

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