Chapter 10

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Chase held Meredith all night long after she had told Addison about Ian. He didn't know what was wrong, but he could tell she was upset. She didn't want to tell him yet. It wasn't a big deal. There are a lot of people that are divorced. It's not as if it is some taboo subject. She knew, that he knew. she was upset, and if she told him about Ian at that point, he would think she still cared about him. She didn't want him to feel threatened by a man that wasn't around, and wouldn't be anytime soon. So they dropped it, nothing was said. She didn't offer, and he didn't ask.

No one said anything about Ian. All of her friends kept their mouthes shut. Cristina spent a week pouting because Meredith hadn't told her about him. She got over it when she realized Meredith wasn't going to bite the bait she was holding. Meredith wanted to pretend that it had never happened. She wanted to act as if her friends never called her ex-husband behind her back, and in a sense betrayed her. So she avoided. She avoided the subject completely.

Miranda Bailey dragged her interns through rounds. She was in an especially grouchy mood. They were all nearly silent, as they walked. They didn't want to risk pissing her off anymore than she already was.

"Grey, you present." She shoved the chart into her hands, almost pushing Meredith back a few steps.

"Uh, okay. Gina Adler is in for Posterior Cervical Fusion. She still needs and MRI. She is scheduled for surgery at ten." Meredith said. She continued to explain what the surgery would entail.

"It's your case." Dr. Bailey said, and then she walked out of the room.

"Dr. Grey, you need to get an MRI done, and get the results to me asap." Derek said with a smile.

"Right away, Sir." She said happily. He began whistling as he walked out of the room.

Meredith took the patient to MRI. She passed Chase on the way. He gave her a smile. She could tell that he was getting impatient with her. She was still unable to tell him that she loved him. She liked him a lot, and she really cared about him. She liked having him around, and she definitely had a connection with him. He was a generous, intelligent, compassionate guy who could love her unconditionally. He would never hurt her. She knew that, but she still couldn't say those three words. She wasn't even sure what true love was anymore.

Meredith found Derek in the stairwell. He was just walking through the door.

"I was just coming to look for you." She said quickly.

"Were you really?" He asked with a bright smile. They walk up to the nurses station.

"Here is the MRI." She hands the envelope to him, he opens it and looks at the films.

"There it is, he points to the MRI. See the dislocation?" He asks her, glancing into his green eyes.

"Yeah, right there." She points to the film.

"Yep, that's it. I need you to prep her." He said. "So how is your pipe?" He asked her.

"My pipe? Oh, that pipe. Yeah, it's good. I was actually thinking about breaking some more. That's how I get guys to my house." She started laughing, he joined her.

"Is it now?" He said. Neither of them noticed Doctor Chase Carter watching them. He was jealous. She was laughing with him. She seemed open, happy. Chase immediately walked over to the OR board and erased his surgery. After talking to Meredith, Derek walked over to the board.

"What the hell?" He shouted. "What happened to my surgery at ten?" He asked a nurse.

"I don't know. You should ask the Chief, he erased it." She answered meekly. Derek stormed to Chase's office, and knocked on the door.

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