Chapter 11

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Meredith rolled over in bed. She had actually slept pretty good. The bathroom door was shut, and she could hear the water running. She glanced over at the clock. She still had five more minutes to lay there. She stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the night before. She could still smell him. It was intoxicating, and his touch, she longed for it. Derek had a way of making her feel safe. She didn't really know him, but she did know that when she was around him, the rest of the world disappeared. Stop thinking about this. You are both unavailable! He has Holly, even if he doesn't love her. The alarm went off, Meredith rolled over to his side of the bed, and leaned over turning it off. Something caught her eye. There lying next to his briefcase was a single sheet of paper. She leaned down and grabbed it. She gasped when she read the first line. She got right out of bed and opened the bathroom door. Chase was standing there, flossing his teeth. He looked in the mirror at her.

"What is this?" She demanded, holding the piece of paper up.

"Uh, that would be my resignation." He said, stating the obvious.

"I know what it is! Why did you write it?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. He led her over to the bed, and sat her down, he knelt in front of her.

"Meredith. You mean a lot to me. I don't want to live like this, you sneaking over, me sneaking over. The kisses in the scrub room, sex in my office. I want to show you off. I want to tell everyone about you. So, I am resigning." He said sweetly, looking into her eyes. She smiled, then her face dropped.

"No! No, absolutely not! I will not let this happen. Being Chief of Surgery is a big honor. Surgeons dream of that. You enjoy it. I will not have you throw that away for me." She said loudly.

"Meredith." He tried to speak.

"No!" She said, ripping the paper in half. "I will not have you resent me. I will not let you give this up. We will make it work. Please, if you care about me, don't do this. I won't be able to forgive myself. Please?" She said sympathetically. She wasn't sure why, but she was hell bent on him not resigning. Was it Derek? Was she afraid that if he did it, and they ended the relationship, that he would regret his decision.

"Meredith." He said, staring into her eyes.

"Please." She said softly.

"Okay. Okay, but I am only doing it because of you." He said, shaking his head.

"You better go..." Meredith suggested, knowing they were getting closer and closer to getting caught by George and Izzie.

"See you later. How about dinner? At Angelo's?" He asked.

"Sounds good." She smiled and kissed him softly. "Bye." Chase snuck out the door and down the hall. Meredith went in the bathroom to get ready. When she emerged she sat down on the bed. She held her head in her hands. Chase was willing to give up a lot for her, and she couldn't even say 'I love you.' She laid her head back and caught sight of the picture. Holly wasn't getting away with this, not this time. She folded it up, and shoved it in her pocket, heading downstairs.

"You are on Shepherd's case, since it got bumped yesterday. Go find him." Miranda Bailey barked at Meredith. She ran off and immediately found Derek talking to Holly. Meredith shot Holly a nasty glare. Holly was wondering if the Chief had talked to her yet.

"Oh, Meredith how are you today, Hon?" Holly said happily, but she had nasty undertones.

"I am wonderful, how are you, Dear?" Meredith shot back. Derek just looked back and forth between the women. He felt like a rose between two thorns.

"I am great. Derek, I have to go." She said, pulling him into a kiss that made Meredith turn away and gag. Holly walked away seductively. Holly hadn't realized that Derek wasn't even watching her.

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