Chapter 40

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Meredith spent the day in the pit. A construction worked came in with a gash on his leg. She quickly sewed it up and turned him loose. That was how her day was going. She thought about Anna, most of the morning. Since Ian came to town, she hadn't gone to see her. She felt guilty about it. She knew she had to make it a point to see her. Like she had time to do everything anymore. She barely had time to sleep, and she was swapped with Ian's trouble, not to mention the other things she had been plotting in her head. She was relieved when an emergency appendectomy walked in the door. She quickly paged Dr. Bailey and they did the necessary tests.

"Okay, prep her." Dr. Bailey ordered as she looked at the scans. "She looks like she's ready to rupture."

"Right away." Meredith said. Dr. Bailey walked out. Meredith looked at the girl, who was white as a ghost.

"I'm scared." The fourteen year old said quietly.

"You will be okay." Meredith assured her, as she rubbed her hand. "This is a simple surgery."

"Do you promise I'll be okay?" Kendra asked with a fearful look on her face.

"Um. Well. I am sure you will be fine." Meredith stammered. Things happened on the table. She didn't want to make a promise she may not be able to keep.

"Okay." Kendra said with a sigh. "Will I talk in my sleep? I usually talk in my sleep."

"Well, you will be intebated. So no, you won't." Meredith answered.

"Good. When I slept at my friend's last weekend, I was talking. I guess I accidentally said I like her boyfriend." Kendra said with embarrassment.

"Well, do you?" Meredith asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, a little. He's cool." Kendra admitted. "Are you married?"

"Well. I guess, kind of." Meredith said, wondering why she didn't just lie. She didn't consider Ian her husband.

"Kind of?" Kendra asked with a scrunched nose..

"Yes, I am. I'm married, but we are-" Meredith started.

"Getting a divorce?" Kendra asked. Meredith nodded. "Yeah, out of all of my friend's, my parents are the only ones that are still married. You shouldn't get a divorce. It's sad."

"Well, we just don't love each other." Meredith said frankly.

"Well, you must have sometime. You should try to fix it." Kendra said wisely.

"Oh, I'll think about it." Meredith said with a laugh. If she only knew. "Let's get you into surgery." Meredith said as she wheeled the gurney out of the room. They passed Derek by the nurses station.

"Hey." Derek said. She stopped the gurney.

"Hey." She said with a smile. He leaned over and kissed her. "I'll see you later." She smiled as she walked away.

"It looks like you still love each other." Kendra stated. Meredith just shook her head. The nurses grabbed the gurney and Meredith made her way to the scrub room.

Meredith sat there at the lunch table in her own little world. Her friends were still doing assignments. She was the only one that was done. For once in her life she was really looking forward to talking to them. She had to let them in on her little plan. The plan that was going to bring Ian to his knees. She didn't even hear Addison's heels clicking on the pavement. Addison she walked up and sat down softly.

"Hey, stranger." Addison said happily as leaned back in her chair.

"Hey. Sorry it's been so long..." Meredith trailed off. She had missed her conversations with Addison. She was like a wise older sister.

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