Chapter 43

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Meredith made her way up to meet Dr. Watson. She knew this was the right thing to do. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt in her mind. The faint smile on her lips went unnoticed, but the glow she was radiating did not. She took a deep inward breath as she walked up to Nick Watson's office. She could see him on the phone. She knocked lightly, and she heard him say come in. Meredith took her place in the seat in front of his desk. His office was homey. There were pictures of patients, and drawings that had made adorning the walls. She had to smile at the sight. As surgeons, they were cut off from their patients. Nick had contact, he got to see them grow and heal. Meredith wished that she would see that.

"Dr. Grey." Nick said with a kind smile.

"Dr. Watson." She returned.

"Please, call me Nick." He replied.

"If that's the case, call me Meredith." Meredith said with a hint of a smile.

"So, Meredith, are you ready for this?" He asked with a serious face.

"Yes, I am. But how did you-" She started.

"It has been taken care of." Nick said. "You will be an 'anonymous donor'. I have contacted social services. The fact that Mr. and Mrs. Livingston were willing to risk the welfare of their grandchild concerns me."

"I agree." Meredith said, nodding her head.

"But more importantly, you are going to save a a little girls life today." Nick said with a smile. "She has been asking about you. She knows that her grandparents are keeping you from her. She's a smart little kid!"

"She has gone through way too much for her age. It's sad." Meredith said, dropping her head.

"Well, things are going to start looking up for her." Nick stated. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes. I am definitely ready." Meredith replied.

Meredith changed into a hospital gown and laid down on the bed. The nurses came in a checked her. They prepped her for the procedure. That was something she was used to doing. She laid there with her eyes closed. Then it hit her. All she wanted was Derek. She wanted him by her side. She wished he was there. She was tired of trying to do things by herself. She opened her eyed abruptly when she heard Nick Watson come in.

"Okay, Dr. Grey you know what's going to happen, right?" Nick asked again.

"Yes, you've explained it several times." She said with a laugh.

"Okay then. Let's get this done." Dr. Watson said.

He nodded to a nurse who grabbed the gurney. Meredith looked around as they wheeled her down the hall. She had never experienced the ride to the operating room. There was no question that everyone would be talking about this. She hadn't told anyone. She didn't want the attention. She didn't want to be the hero. Dr. Watson had kept it as under wraps as he could. Not to mention they didn't want the Livington's finding out.

"Okay, it's time to go nighty night." Meredith heard Dr. Watson say. She couldn't help but laugh as she drifted into her slumber.

Cristina scrubbed in with Derek Shepherd. They did a run of the mill craniotomy. Of course, Burke was doing a heart transplant, and Cristina was sulking. She was supposed to be in on that. She was doing cardio, that was her passion, not neuro. She walked heavily down the hall. She took a glance at the OR board. She had to see it, she had to see the heart transplant she was missing, on the board. But something else caught her eye.

"What the hell?" She spat out loudly as she walked quickly to Derek who was writing on a chart. "Hey." She said loudly.

"Is there a problem, Dr. Yang?" Derek asked as he glanced up from the chart.

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