Chapter 112

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She was close to insanity. Dangerously close. She loved her. She really did. But it was getting to be too much. Too much caring. Too much concern. She was being far too helpful. Far too clingy. She had to make sure everything was just so. It had to be perfect. Meredith had to be comfortable. It was too much. Meredith couldn't take it, she had to shake her off.

"Anna..." Meredith whispered. "I bet grandma would love to see your pony again." She said as she looked over at Evelyn who was washing the dishes from the dinner that she had just made.

"Mommy...I know what your doing." She said as she shook her head in disgust.

"What do you mean?" Meredith asked innocently as she looked over at the old woman, working obsessively.

"You just wanna get rid of grandma." Anna said with a giggle. "I will take her. But you owe me." Anna replied as she walked over to Evelyn.

"Grandma? Will you take me out to see my pony?" She said as she cocked her head and asked sweetly.

"Of course, as long as your mommy is okay." She said as she looked over at Meredith.

"Oh! I'm fine." Meredith said as she walked into their large kitchen. "In fact, I will finish the dishes." Meredith said as she stepped in front of the sink.

"Oh no, dear. You need to rest." She said as she looked at Meredith.

"That's all I have done all day." Meredith said as she stuck her hands in the warm water.

"Meredith. I am warning you." She said as she glared at her.

"Fine!" She said in a huff as she wheeled around and walked away. "And just what do you expect me to do?"

"Oh, dear. Don't be angry. I just don't want you to overdo it. You aren't that far away from your due date. And I am positive you will be early." She said as she looked over at Meredith who had an impossible time getting herself into a comfortable position.

"I hate sitting here. I hate it." She pouted as she sat on the sofa.

She leaned over to pick up her recent issue of Cosmo and frowned. She looked at the cover. No sex. Addison said no sex. She wasn't suppose to want it. She was huge. Gigantic. She was uncomfortable. But yet she wanted him. She really wanted him. She threw the magazine back on the table and laid her head back. She heard the garage door open. Derek was home. Finally. He was home. She nearly sprung off the sofa.

"Derek." She said in desperation. "I missed you." She said as she pulled him close and kissed him.

"I missed you too." He said as he kissed her back.

"Derek, dear." Evelyn said as she walked into the living room. "How was your day?"

"Daddy." Anna said with a big grin.

"Hey baby." He said as he patted her on the head. "My day was great." Derek said enthusiastically.

"Grandma was going to take me out to the barn." Anna said as she grabbed Evelyn's hand.

"Oh. Well, I could take you, if grandma doesn't want to." He suggested as he looked up. Meredith glared. Not your average glare. An I want to kill you, glare. "Or not. In fact, I'm sure Anna has things to show you." Derek said, praying she would take the bait.

"Only if you take care of your wife." Evelyn said as she looked up at them both.

"I think I can handle that." Derek said with an agreeing nod as he glanced at a relieve Meredith.

"Okay then. Anna let's go." She said as she slid on her shoes and they walked out the door.

"She has to go." Meredith growled out loudly. Derek looked at her with wide eyes in shock. "She has to go..." She cried out as she laid her head against his chest. "She has to go..." She said as she began to sob.

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