Chapter 45

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Derek wouldn't let Meredith work the next day. She protested. She even offered to work scut. Scut would have been great compared to staying home. She hated hanging around her house. She had been busy for so much of her life, she had no idea how to spend free time. Laying in bed wasn't working anymore. Either her butt or her back ached. She walked slowly down the stairs and met up with Ian in the kitchen.

"Okay, I have to do something." She stated frankly as she grabbed a cup of coffee.

"Something? Like what?" He asked.

"Something. I am not allowed to work, and I can't lay in bed. I have to do something." She spat. "And why don't you make me some breakfast? If I eat muesli anymore this week, I think I will vomit." She said quickly.

"Well, what do you want?" He asked as he gave in and looked in the refrigerator.

"What is there?" She replied as she stirred her coffee.

"Uh, let's see. Nothing, nothing and oh look, it's nothing." He said with a shrug. "So what do you want. Nothing or nothing?" He asked.

"Seriously?" She asked as she walked over to the refrigerator.

"Yeah." He said as he walked away. "I ate that muesli shit this morning. It's okay if you add a half a cup of sugar to it.

"Crap, we really don't have anything." She said as she looked. "Where the hell is Izzie?" Meredith asked. She had gotten so used to Izzie doing all of the domestic stuff around the house. "And George, have you seen George?"

"I haven't seen them in a few days." Ian said quickly.

"Shit. Now what? There is barely any muesli left, Derek will kill me if I eat it. And I can't choke it down." She stated. "Whoa!" She said as she took a whiff of the milk. "This is no good! And this bread... It's moldy! How did we do it?" She asked. "How did we feed ourselves?"

"Well, I shopped sometimes. And we had Susan." Ian pointed out.

"Ah, yes. That was wonderful." Meredith said with a nod. "Izzie is my Susan. I miss her! How is she by the way?"

"She is still working for my father. She hated my mum as much as you did. But you know that already." Ian replied with a chuckle. "She still cleans the up house for me."

"Oh." She said quietly. Thinking back to all the time they had spent together made her sad. She had a life, and she just walked away from it. She decided to drown it out, and try to forget. "So, I am thinking I need to go grocery shopping." Meredith pointed out.

"You? Grocery shop?" Ian asked with a chuckle.

"Well, yeah." Meredith answered. "I don't want Derek to know."

"He doesn't know that you don't know how to shop? And you can't cook?" Ian asked.

"I think he knows I can't cook. But the shopping, no. Izzie has always had the food stocked up, I give her the money, she goes. If I didn't have her, I wouldn't even remember to eat. So, we need to shop." She said. "And go out to for breakfast, since we have no food."

Meredith grabbed her purse and car keys. She motioned for him to follow her. He slowly followed her to the car and got in.

"So you drive this piece of crap?" Ian laughed as she pulled out.

"I happen to like my Jeep." She said happily. "I am an intern, I am poor." She pointed out.

"Okay, first of all, my father paid for all of your schooling, so anything you make is more yours than the other interns. Secondly, you are dating a neurosurgeon. And thirdly, you are recently divorced and will be finding a gigantic sum of money in your bank account. So do everyone a favor, and retire this thing!" He demanded as he rolled down the window. "Shit!"

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