Chapter 60

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"What are you doing?" Meredith asked groggily, as she opened her eyes. Derek was leaning down getting ready to kiss her.

" kissing you good morning." He said as his lips softly pressed against hers.

"I know that. I mean why are you dressed?" Meredith asked as she sat up in bed.

"Well, Anna and I are going to get some breakfast." Derek said as he went to his side of the bed and grabbed his wallet off the bedside table.

"Oh. Well, wait a sec, I'll come with you." Meredith said as she began to climb out of the bed.

"Um. Actually, I wanted to take Anna. Just she and I. A bonding thing." Derek said hesitantly.

"Oh, I understand." Meredith said, just a little hurt, but understanding.

"Mer-" Derek started as his face turned into a frown.

"No, Derek. I'm fine. I have been with Anna all week. It's time for you two to bond." Meredith said as she walked to the bathroom.

"We won't be long. I have a few errands to run. Do you want me to bring something back?" He followed her to the bathroom door and asked.

"No, I'm okay." She said through the door. "Have fun."

"We will." Derek said with a smile. He began walking through the door, but not before he grabbed the book that was by her bed.

"So where are we going, Mr. Derek?" Anna asked as they drove away from the restaurant.

"We are going to get Meredith a present." Derek said with a big smile as he looked in the rearview mirror. He was silently thanking God that she wasn't playing with a condom like last night.

"What kind of present?" Anna asked as she returned his look.

"A very, very big one!" Derek said as he eyes returned to the road. "So are you excited about school?"

"Yeah. I haven't been to school is a long time." Anna explained as he played with her stuffed horse.

"Are you nervous?" He asked as he turned onto the freeway.

"No. Maybe a little. But I like school. I will be okay." She said, reassuringly.

"I'm sure you will be fine." Derek said with a faint smile. "Meredith goes back to work soon." He told her. "She will be very busy, so I will be spending more time with you. What do you think about that?"

"That's good." Anna said with a smile.

"Good." Derek said as he pulled into the BMW dealership.

"Why are we stopping here?" Anna asked.

"We are here to get Meredith's present." Derek said as he opened her door.

"But all they have is a bunch of cars..." She said as she looked around.

"That is Meredith's present." Derek said as he looked around.

"A car?" She asked, Derek, nodded. "Wow."

"Can I help you, Sir?" A salesperson asked as he walked up and shook Derek's hand.

"Well, actually I think you can. I want to buy a car." Derek said.

"Well, as you can see, we have cars." He said as he motioned around the lot. "Do you know what you're interested in?"

"Actually, I do." He said as he pulled out the sales book from Meredith's bedside table. "This." He said as he pointed to the picture.

"Oh, the X5, very nice." The man said as he nodded. "We have several on the lot."

"Good." Derek returned with a smile. He looked down to see Anna paying close attention to them. "She wants the dark gray. The 4.8i." Derek mentioned.

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