Chapter 57

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The hospital had been killing Derek lately. It seemed like every time he tried to come home, another patient was needing something. The pit seemed to have a non-stop supply of neuro cases. He was doing craniotomies so much, he thought he could sleep during them. Meredith wasn't too upset, she knew it was the job. She herself was missing the hospital. She loved being home with Anna, but she still longed for the operating room. She had gotten a lot done. They had gotten Anna completely settled in. Anna was going to start her first day of school on Monday, and they had done a lot of studying. She hadn't been to school since long before her treatment. Meredith was hoping she would be okay.

Meredith woke up to an empty bed. She pulled Derek's pillow over to her. It was cold, he had been gone awhile. She brought it up to her face and breathed in deeply. That was all she had of him at the moment, and it wasn't enough. They were lucky if they stole a kiss goodnight from each other. Meredith rolled over and looked at the alarm clock. No wonder his pillow was cold, it was already nine o'clock. She was finding herself already falling out of her normal schedule.

"Merediff..." She heard Anna say at her door. She thought it was cute how she said her name.

"Yes?" Meredith answered.

"How come your still sleepin'?" Anna asked as she jumped in the bed with her.

"I guess I'm still tired." Meredith answered. "How long have you been up?"

"Awhile. I played with Lotti and Sandy, but I got bored." She explained as she looked up at Meredith.

"Well, Derek isn't here to make pancakes, so how about some cereal?" Meredith asked as she climbed out of bed.

"I like cereal!" Anna said as she jumped out of the bed and bounded down the stairs. Meredith slowly walked down the stairs, only to find Izzie sitting in the kitchen.

"You're off today?" Meredith asked.

"Uh huh." Izzie answered.

"Oh thank God!" Meredith said as she grabbed a bowl out of the china cabinet and pulled a spoon out of the drawer.

"Geez, Mer!" Izzie said nodding to Anna. "Tired already?"

"No. I have an appointment today. One that Anna shouldn't attend." Meredith said as she pulled the box of muesli off the the shelf.

"Oh. So you want me to babysit." Izzie answered sarcastically, as if she were disappointed.

"Not if you don't want to." Meredith said as she poured the cereal in the bowl.

"I'd love to!" Izzie said exuberantly.

"Anna? How would you like that?" Meredith asked. Anna looked at her with a frown.

"It will be fun. We can go to the park..." Izzie said, trying to tempt the small child.

"Okay..." She finally answered.

"Here you go. Eat up!" Meredith said as she handed her the bowl of muesli. She dragged her spoon around the bottom. Finally she took a bite of it and stuck her tongue out.

"Yuck!" She said as she pushed the bowl away.

"Muesli is good." Izzie said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Derek eats it." Meredith sang out.

"He does?" Anna asked. Meredith nodded yes. She pulled the bowl up to her and took another bite. "I guess it's okay." She said as she began eating.

"So what time is your appointment?" Izzie asked as she looked up at Meredith.

"Eleven." Meredith answered with a huff.

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