Chapter 93

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Drew carried Meredith straight to Derek's Land Rover. As he placed her down the the back seat, he looked at her soft pale-blue skin. It was mainly her lips. Her lips were blue. Not good. Not what he wanted to see. He quickly climbed out of the back seat, and Derek threw him the keys and told him to drive. Derek climbed in the back seat, sitting at Meredith's head.

"I'm cold." She said as she shivered. Derek grabbed the emergency blanket from the back seat and covered her.

"I know, baby. I know. Don't move. You'll pump the cold blood from your arms and legs into the central circulation making your core temperature to drop even further." He said with worry. He looked down at her.

"Do you think I don't know that? I am a doctor!" She muttered. "I'm fine."

"Mer, you're not fine. You're blue!" He said with irritation. She was stubborn. It was one of her qualities he loved and hated at the same time.

"Fine." She moaned. "Not fine. Just a little Smurfy. But I don't want to go to the hospital..."

"We're going. We need to make sure the babies are okay." He said as he stroked her hair. She nodded. The babies...

Drew quickly pulled up in front of Seattle Grace. Derek climbed out and swiftly picked her up, holding her against him. He walked straight into the emergency area and into a trauma room. Derek grabbed a warming blanket and covered her quickly. Derek pulled out and oxygen mask and placed it on her face. She rolled her eyes. He sighed as he looked down, he skin was quickly turning it's normal pale shade.

"What's going on?" Dr. Bailey said as she walked in. "They say my attending has lost his mind."

"She's-" Derek started.

"I'm fine!" She said as she lifted the oxygen mask off her face. "Dumb-ass is trying to kill me." She muttered. "He tried giving me re-warming inhalation."

"Well, let me see here." Miranda said as he walked up. "She looks okay. Shepherd..." She said, shaking her head.

"The babies." He muttered. Derek quickly grabbed the doppler. He went to pick up her dress.

"Derek!" She spat as she pushed it back down. He looked, quickly remembering that she was not wearing panties.

"Um...Can you guys leave?" Derek said as he looked at them both. They both looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm not leaving. Like I said, they claim you've lost your mind down here." Miranda said quickly. Derek looked worried. Meredith looked at everyone and shook her head.

"Dr. Bailey. I'm not wearing panties!" She finally admitted as she looked away.

"Oh." Miranda said in shock. "I'm just gonna..." She said as she walked out. Derek glared at Drew.

"What? It's nothing I haven't seen before!" Drew said with a chuckle. Derek and Meredith gave him the death glare. He quickly turned and walked out with Miranda.

"Mer, I'm so sorry." Derek apologized, once again. He walked around and shut the blinds. He slowly pulled up her dress and smiled. "And this is what got us into this mess." He muttered as he looked at her and then down at himself. She looked at his bulging slacks and gasped.

"Derek, look at your pants!" She said quickly as she looked at him.

"I know...see what you do to me." He said with a chuckle.

"No. Not that, your pants. Look at your pants." She said as she began to giggle. Derek looked down to see bodily fluid all over the front of his slacks.

"Oh god..." He muttered as he looked down.

"Yep, bet you're wishing you hadn't just whipped it out...right about now." She laughed.

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