Chapter 105

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Meredith walked away from Derek with a tear in her eye. She didn't understand why he was so upset. She wasn't going to be gone that long. They had spent time apart before. But this seemed different. To him. Not to her. She wasn't concerned. She felt great. Well, as great as you can when you are going to your former father-in-law's funeral. Meredith walked up to the flight attendant and smiled.

"Ma'am, you're..." The flight attendant said as she looked at Meredith's large abdomen.

"Pregnant? Yes, yes I am." Meredith said frankly.

"I don't know if we can let you on." The flight attendant said as she called for another person.

"How far along are you?" The other flight attendant said as she walked up.

"30 weeks. I have a note from my obstetrician." Meredith said as she dug in her purse and took it out. They grabbed the note, and read it.

"Okay." The first flight attendant said with a smile. "I hope you have a good flight."

"Thank you." Meredith said as she walked away. She spotted Anna and Drew towards the front of the plane and walked up.

"What took so long?" Drew asked as he grabbed her bag and put in the overhead compartment.

"Derek... And then they didn't want to let me on. Like I would be going if I was worried. What do they think I am?" Meredith asked with a huff as she sat down in the window seat next to Anna. She frowned as she stretched the seat beat around her large baby bump.

"The last thing they need is a baby on board. One that comes out in the sky." He laughed.

"That is not going to happen." Meredith said frankly.

"Mommy. I'm scared." Anna said as she leaned towards Meredith.

"Of what?" Meredith asked softly.

"What if we crash?" She said with worry.

"We won't crash. Flying is fun. Lots of fun." Meredith said quickly. "It will be fine. I promise." Meredith said as she grabbed her hand.

They listened to the flight attendants go through their usual speech. Meredith's watched Anna's eyes go wide as the plane lifted off. Her had became a death grip around Meredith. As the plane leveled out in the air, Anna's look of shock turned to relaxation.

"Are you okay?" Meredith asked her.

"That was fun!" Anna giggled. "I wanna do it again."

"Oh we will be. Many times." Meredith said with a frown.

"Mommy. Can I listen to my ipod?" Anna asked as she riffled through her bag. The tiny cellphone that Derek had given her threatened it's way to the top. She quickly pushed it back down.

"Yes, but no too loud. It's bad for your ears." Meredith told her. Anna nodded and turned it on.

The flight went without mishap, and before they knew it, they were landing in New York. Meredith frowned when they got off the plane and saw that their flight was delayed two hours. Just what she needed, a layover with a small child in a busy airport.

"I'll stay." Drew said as he looked at the screen with a frown.

"Drew, you don't have to." She said quickly. "Anna! Don't move. You hold my hand." She spat nervously as she looked at all of the strangers.

"Nope. I promised Derek. I'll stay with you. We can get something to eat, it will be fun." Drew said with an enticing grin.

"I don't want you to stick around and waste your time..." Meredith told him.

Never Leave Your Heart AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora