Chapter 34

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"You're here to take me home? Take me home? There will be no taking me home! I am home! You have to go! You have to leave!" Meredith shouted as her face turned red, and full of anger.

"Leave? But I just got here babe." He said in his smooth accent.

She looked at his bright green eyes. He was so familiar to her. She had spent a third of her life with him. He was like home. A home she couldn't go back to.

"I don't know why you came. I don't care." She yelled. "You cannot be here!"

She was getting upset. This is how it always went. She was happy. Things were going well. Derek is the guy, and now Ian is here. He just threw a wrench in the gearbox. The wheels were moving nicely, and now he was here tearing her life apart.

Izzie looked back and forth between them in shock. She couldn't believe he was here. She thought it was romantic. He came all this way to take her home. Like a fairy-tale. She had no idea what it was really like.

Meredith felt the blood rush to her head. Her temples were pounding. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to cry or hurt him. She heard the familiar ring of her cellphone. She picked it up and stared at the screen. It was Derek. Derek, poor Derek. He had no idea what was going on. He, was going to be blind-sided just as she was. No, he wouldn't. He wasn't going to know. Ian would be gone before he even set foot on Seattle soil. She was sure of it.

"You're not going to answer that, my love?" He asked, as he watched her hold the phone.

"Uh... no." She answered as she looked nervously between him and the screen.

"Why not?" Ian asked. He looked at her face. "Oh. There is a guy. You don't want him to know about us." Ian said, reading like a book.

"No. No there is no guy. And if there was- There is no guy." Meredith said quickly. She didn't want to five him a reason to stick around.

"You are lying." Ian chuckled.

"Am not." Meredith spat.

"I know you better than anyone." Ian said with a smirk. "Better than you know yourself."

Izzie continued to stare at them both. She thought it was cute, the way they argued. She could tell that Ian knew how to handle Meredith. There was a past, and it was obvious.

"You need to leave. Please, if you only do one thing for me for the rest of your life, you will leave now." She pleaded with sadness in her face.

"Meredith-" He started, as he pulled up her chin.

"No! No Meredith. You ruined my life. You married me when I was so drunk that I couldn't stand, and you took me home, and you ruined my life, and now I am happy and I just want you to leave, you miserable disease!" She yelled quickly without pausing.

"Me? You took advantage of me, babe." He said with a laugh.

"I seem to remember you chasing after for me for how long?" Meredith spat. "You know what? We aren't talking about this." She said as she looked over. She noticed that Izzie was having way too good of a time listening to her soap opera of a life.

"You are an avoider. Some things never change..." He said as he took a step toward her.

"Please..." She muttered. He walked up and tried to hug her. "No! Get your hands off of me!" She shouted.

Meredith walked away. She needed air. She walked out the front door and sat on the porch swing. She laid her head back and sighed. A few seconds later she heard the door open. She didn't even have to look up to know it was him. She could smell him. He didn't smell like Derek. Derek smelled like comfort, like home, like a man. Ian smelled like someone who was trying to hard, a manwhore, like a coward. Getting rid of him, she realized, was going to be harder than she thought.

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