Chapter 36

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Meredith fell asleep in Derek's arm. She felt safe there. She felt as if everything was going to be okay, even if it wasn't. Derek had a sense that something was wrong with her. He didn't say anything. He wanted to give her space. He was hoping she would tell him, but he knew her well enough to know she wouldn't.

Meredith woke up to the worst hangover of her life. The minute she opened her eyes, her head was pounding and she felt as if someone had stabbed her in the face. She closed them quickly, hoping to stop the pain. She felt Derek's grip tighten around her.

"So, you've dropped the tequila and picked up moonshine, huh?" Derek asked her with a snicker.

"Not funny." She moaned. "I am pretty sure I am dying here."

"Oh, you're okay." He mocked. "So why the moonshine?"

"That is a very long story." She replied with a chuckle that felt like a knife in her head.

"I have time." Derek said, pressing the issue.

"Can we just stay in bed all day?" She asked.

"Well, I guess we could. But it doesn't look like you're up for sex, so I think it will get a little boring." He said humbly.

"Just a little longer." She pleaded, knowing the day was not going to end perfectly.

"Okay." Derek said as he kissed her head.

Meredith felt the tears roll down her face. Derek didn't notice. She wanted to tell him, but she was afraid. Because now she realized that Ian had been here for days. Now Derek was going to wonder why she didn't tell him sooner. Not to mention he had been in the house. She didn't want Derek to be angry, or upset. No matter what, the day was going to end with one of the two. She pulled away from him and threw her feet in the floor. She couldn't look at him right now.

"Are you getting up?" He asked as he sat up.

"Yeah." She said softly. "There is something I need to tell you." She said in a somber tone.

"What?" He said with a very worried voice.

She began to walk to the bathroom. The nausea took over and she rushed in. Derek got out of bed and walked in. She was sitting next to the toilet, with her head in her hands. She leaned over and began retching again. Derek held her hair and rubbed her back. She moaned as she wiped her mouth and sat back down.

"So what do you need to tell me?" He asked with a concerned look in his face. She chickened out.

"Don't ever drink moonshine." She said quickly. He had a feeling that wasn't what she was going to say.

"I love you." He told her as he looked into her bloodshot eyes.

"Me too." She moaned. He stood up and started water in the bathtub for her.

"I'll make some coffee." He said as he walked out.

Derek walked into the kitchen. Even in the few days he was gone, he had missed it. The simple life. Waking up next to Meredith. Making coffee. Reading the paper together. She made him happy. It didn't matter where they were or what they did, she was all he needed. Yep, the simple life was going to be just perfect. He leaned over the counter and watched as the coffee slowly dripped into the pot. He walked slowly to the front door to grab the newspaper. He flipped the lock, turned the handle and opened the door. He walked out, leaned down and grabbed the paper swiftly. As he stood up, and turned around, he was met by a tall, well-built man with green eyes and light brown hair.

"Can I help you?" Derek asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"I am going to hurt her." Ian said in his strong british accent as he shook his head.

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