Chapter 6

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"Thank you." Chase whispered into Meredith's ear.

"This is really stupid, Chase. Really, unbelievably stupid! We are both going to be thrown out of Seattle Grace on our asses!" She said, staring up at the ceiling in her room. She realizes it really needs to be painted.

"It will be fine. Don't worry." He leaned over and kissed her neck, she turned her head, kissing him on the lips.

"My roommates are moving in tomorrow." She said, pulling away.

"Roommates? You don't need roommates!" He stated. He didn't want anyone to move in. He wanted her to be all his, and he felt selfish thinking it.

"Izzie and George. I thought you and I were over. Which, we should be. But anyway. I thought we were over, so I decided to get roommates. Besides they will help keep the house clean, and Izzie can bake and cook." She stated, hoping to win him over. She flashed him a smile.

"So now we'll really have to sneak..." He said, grouping her under the sheet.

"Yes, I guess we will." She squealed.

"Get up." She shouted at Chase. It was four a.m. and time for him to get up for work.

"I can't work, you tired me out." He moaned. "I'm jealous, you get to stay home."

"Hey, I have been working my ass off!" She shot her head over at him.

"I know you have. I just want to stay here in bed with you all day." He replied slyly.


"Fine." He had been defeated. She rolled over and closed her eyes, listening to him start the shower.

Meredith fell back asleep for a few hours. She awoke abruptly to her cellphone ringing. It will go to voicemail. I just want to sleep! The phone quit ringing. A few minutes later, it rang again. Son-of-a-bitch! I am freaking tired!

"Hello?" She said rudely, not opening her eyes.

"Hey, Meredith. It's Izzie. George and I were wondering if we could come over. Start moving in." She said happily. Meredith could hear her chewing something.

"Now?" She said in shock.

"Well, yeah." Izzie responded.

"Fine. Whatever. Don't you sleep?" Meredith whined.

"Of course. Okay, well, we're on our way."

"Okay." Meredith said. She flipped her phone shut and covered her head with her pillow. She laid there for forty-five minutes. She was tired, Chase kept her up all night, but if you ask him, it was her. She heard a knock at the front door. She knew it was her new roommates, she went to climb out if bed and realized she wasn't dressed. She grabbed the first thing she saw. She ran down the stairs in Chase's sleep pants and Stanford tee shirt.

"Hey guys." Meredith said as she opened the door.

"Oh, were you sleeping?" George asked.

"Yeah, I was. It's fine. But don't let it happen again." She joked. She started to follow them out to get some boxes.

"We've got it."

"Are you sure?" Meredith asked.

"Yeah. You go take a shower, or get dressed. Or whatever you want to do." Izzie said politely, as she carried in a box.

"If you're sure..." Meredith said. They nodded. She ran upstairs and climbed in the shower.

Meredith was shocked when she came downstairs and there were tons of boxes everywhere. She was hoping all of their stuff was going to fit in their rooms. They were roommates. They each got a room. She had the house the way she wanted. Even if it was a t.v. on a table and a sofa. The rest was still packed up. The pod that contained her belongings from England was going to be delivered some time this week. Meredith went right in and started carrying boxes to their rooms. They both had their names and the contents written on the boxes. They were much more organized than she was.

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