Chapter 5

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Meredith laid there for quite a while, trying to fall asleep. She rolled, she laid on her back, her side. She was exhausted. It didn't seem to matter. She ended it with Chase. That was a good thing. She saved them both. Did I really? He is a nice guy. But, I am done with men. This is a sign. I am not going to be hurt again. Never again. She she turned again, laying on her back, willing sleep to come. The door opened. She looked up, expecting it to be Chase. It wasn't.

"Oh, Dr. Grey." Derek said as he locked the door and took of his shoes. "Do you mind if I take the top bunk?

"No." She said quietly.

"You should be exhausted." Derek said, looking over at her.

"Should be." She moaned. She closed her eyes her eyes, not feeling his gaze.

"Are you okay?" He asked, noticing the stressed look on her face. He climbed up to the top bunk.

"I'm fine." She stated simply, covering her face with the pillow.

"Your Mom, she will be okay." She answered, hoping to make her feel better.

"First of all, I know that, and B I don't care. I do care, but- She will be fine, I know that. I don't know you, and I don't want to talk about my mother." She snapped, immediately regretting it. She expecting him to get mad, her face grimaced.

"I do know you. We've talked in a bar. Twice." He chuckled, she did too.

"I'm fine. I just need some sleep. In order for me to do that, you need to shut up!" She joked. "Seriously."

"Okay, I am shutting up. But I don't think you are cold like your mother says." He added. She didn't answer him. What is it about her? He thought. Something draws me in. She's refreshing. Just looking at her makes me feel better.

Meredith fell right asleep after talking to Derek. He somehow comforted her. It was his voice, it was soothing. His scent, was just perfect. But she had no interest in him, right? No men. Meredith woke up and hour later to her pager. She threw her shoes on, and looked up at Derek. His eyes opened, her green eyed met his deep blue ones. She froze for a moment. For a moment, everything was right, she didn't worry. In his eyes, in that moment, life was perfect. She didn't say a word. She ran down to the pit. Immediately Dr. Bailey was ordering her to get tests for a surgical patient that just came in. She was breaking all records. It was her first day, and already she was in on three surgeries. The both go into the OR.

"Not that I care. Believe me, I do not. But, are you okay?" She asked, pretending like she didn't care.

"I am fine. It will not change my focus. I can still work." She answered immediately, while retracting.

"I can see that. She also insists that you will be fine. I am not going to even try to understand your messed up family." She snapped, and looked up at Meredith.

"It's not worth the try. Believe me." She answered.

Meredith was happy to be home, in her own bed. The minute she laid down, she was out. She had the next day off, and she was going to take full advantage of it. She woke up in the middle of the night, half expecting to see Chase laying there. When she didn't see him, she was slightly disappointed. She woke up in the late morning. Her house was still full of boxes, but she wasn't in the mood to unpack. She had to get a new cellphone today. She took a shower, ate a quick breakfast and then headed out. She drove by the coffee shop that she met Chase at. Surprisingly, she felt a little sad. She felt like something had been taken away. She went on to the cellphone store, and picked out a new phone. When she got to the car, she dialed her voicemail. There were several from Chase saying that he had something very important to tell her. The last one said that he missed her, and he really wanted to talk to her. She shut the phone and drove home.

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