Chapter 71

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Meredith laid there in a relaxing sleep. Her schedule had changed. She had been sleeping in. She had been doing a lot of physical activity lately. So she didn't wake up. She usually woke up before her alarm went off. Not today. She was dreaming. She was back in the Caribbean, laying in the beach.

"Meredith..." She heard in her sleep. She looked over to see Derek laying on the beach next to her. He looked at her with a smile. "Meredith!" Derek shouted as he shook her awake. She quickly opened her eyes and dropped her face. "Thanks..." He muttered, offensively.

"I was dreaming. It was a good dream..." She mumbled as she rolled over, throwing her face into the pillow.

"Yeah, well back to reality. The alarm went off a half an hour ago and you didn't wake up." He said as he rubbed her back. She moaned as she sat up.

"Damn-it." She moaned as she grabbed her stomach. Derek looked at her with confusion. "Way too much ice cream." She moaned. "I guess I should get up." She said as she stood up. She looked at the calendar on her beside table. She tore off the pages from the past few days. Days spent in the hot sand. Then she got to the present day. Her face dropped as she revealed the red marker. This was bad. Beyond bad. This was catastrophic.

"Holy shit!" She shouted as she ran to the bathroom and retched.

Derek looked over at the calendar. He felt like an ass. A complete and total ass. He hadn't even realized. He dragged her away, to the caribbean. It was his fault. Well, maybe a little hers. It was her idea. Anyway. He felt bad. This was bad. He rushed into the bathroom and held her hair back.

"I'm sorry Mer." He muttered as he watched her vomit.

"It's not your fault. It's mine." She moaned as she stood up, and walked to the sink. She angrily grabbed her toothbrush and began brushing the enamel right off of her teeth.

"Mer- You're going to hurt yourself." He said as he grabbed the toothbrush away from her.

"You will be fine. It's no big deal." He said as he cradled her face. He watched her face pucker. Then she let it loose. The tears flowed like rain water.

"It's easy for you to say. You passed..." She whined.

"You are the smartest intern I know." He said as he looked into her eyes. She softly pulled away and washed her face,

"I'm so screwed. It's over. So freaking over." She muttered as she walked out and grabbed her clothes.

Derek left the room. He stopped in Anna's room and gave her a soft kiss. She didn't need to be up for another hour. She looked so peaceful. For as much as she had gone though, she had adjusted well. Meredith passed her room and went straight to the kitchen. Izzie looked up with a smile.

"It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day." Izzie said brightly. Derek walked in behind Meredith and did the 'cut it out' sign. Her eyes widened.

"Beautiful? Maybe for you!" Meredith said as she grabbed the coffee pot and started to pour. She slammed it against her cup so hard she shattered the pot and coffee went everywhere. "You have got to be kidding me!" She yelled as she walked out of the kitchen. Now she had to change, her clothes were covered in coffee.

"What is wrong with her?" Izzie asked as she started wiping up coffee and cleaning up glass.

"Intern exam." Derek said flatly.

"Yeah..." Izzie said with a shrug.

"It's today. In case you haven't noticed, we spent the last few days on our honeymoon. She hasn't studied. At all." He said with raised eyebrows.

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