Chapter 35

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Meredith, George and Izzie were all almost on top of each other when they woke up. It had been a cold night. Unbelievably cold. In fact, Meredith was sure something was wrong with the heat. She had gotten up in the middle of the night and gathered all of the blankets she could find in the trailer and covered them up. George yawned loudly in her face.

"Dear God, George!" Meredith moaned as she threw her head back.

"What?" George asked innocently.

"Your breath. I think an animal died in your mouth." Meredith said with a laugh.

"You're mean." He said as he jumped out of bed.

"And you had your hand on my ass all night." Meredith joked with Izzie.

"You have a very nice ass!" Izzie laughed back.

"It was cold last night." George yelled from the sink.

"No kidding. I think the furnace is broken." Meredith shrugged. "I bet Ian froze his ass off." She said with an evil laugh.

"What has gotten into you?" Izzie asked.

"I hate him. I shouldn't say hate. He just- I have to get rid of him. I need your help." Meredith pleaded.

"What are we supposed to do?" George asked.

"Hell if I know." Meredith said shaking her head. "So, I think we have time to go to breakfast." Meredith suggested.

"Hey, that's a good idea." Izzie said with a smile. "Three friends, having breakfast..."

"Izzie, you are so hokey." Meredith joked.

Meredith, Izzie and George where surprised when they went outside and saw that the house was moving along well. It looked like it was getting close to being done. Meredith shook her head at the largeness of the house. She didn't understand why Derek was making it so big. They drove quickly to the restaurant. They sat down at a table in the back of the cafe. Meredith had called Cristina and asked if her she wanted to meet them. She was waiting when they got there. They all ordered their food, and sat and talked.

"So, you're hiding from Commando Ken?" Cristina asked with a laugh.

"Yes." She said quickly.

"So you never answered me, is he good?" Cristina asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Why do you care?" Meredith asked, as she took a sip of coffee.

"Oh come on. How could I not want to know?" She replied frankly.

"What do you think?" Meredith asked them.

"Yeah!" Izzie and Cristina responded with gusto.

"Please don't do this to me..." George pleaded.

"Yes." Meredith said with a moan.

"Really?" Izzie asked. "Cause he looks it."

"Yeah. He's the best. I mean Derek But, Ian, he is skilled in ways that you would not believe. He has had a lot of practice, and I have to tell you it does make perfect! But stay away from him!" She warned.

"Why? Do you still want on him?" Cristina asked with a chuckle.

"No." She spat. "No. He is trouble, and he hurts people. He is bad news. We have to stay away." Meredith warned again.

"We?" Izzie asked.

"All of us. Except you, George, he's not like that. He has these powers..." Meredith explained, making hand motions.

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