Chapter 99

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Meredith moved restlessly around in the bed. The blankets were now pulled off of Derek and wrapped around her. She couldn't get comfortable. Her back was aching and her huge abdomen was getting in the way of everything. Addison had even commented on how large she was getting. It was embarrassing. Week twenty-two and she was gigantic. She looked over at Derek who seemed to be sleeping peacefully. She wanted to smack him in the head. How dare he sleep when she can not.

She laid there and looked at the ceiling. At least things were going better. Derek had pretty much kept his word and was coming home at a decent hour every night. There was nothing she loved more than coming home to a lit-up house, her husband waiting for her with a smile on his face. Then there was Marty. She hadn't seen him. She hadn't heard from him. He was gone. He had actually heeded to Derek's warning and stayed away. Derek protected her. Derek kept her safe.

Meredith rolled over once again. She couldn't tale it. The restlessness was too much. She just wanted to sleep. Ten minutes. She'd be happy with ten minutes. She had to sleep. It wouldn't be long before she had two babies who is was convinced would not sleep. She softly placed her hand on her stomach and gasped. She pushed a little harder. Oh my God.

"Derek!" She whispered loudly as she shook him. "Derek!" She said again, shaking him a little harder.

"Mmmm." He moaned as he rolled over.

"They kicked!" She said as she looked into his tired eyes.

"Wha-what?" He said as he opened his eyes a little farther.

"They kicked. The twins...kicked..." She said happily as she grabbed his hand. A smile quickly covered his face.

"Oh my god! They kicked. They're kicking." He said in astonishment. His hand firmly on her stomach.

"They are there. They are actually in there. Alive...It''s amazing..." She said as the tears began to fall.

"I love you more than anything in the world. You are perfect. You are...I can't even explain how I feel about you. And our children. You are carrying our children. Our children are surviving because of you. God, Mer...I love you...I love you so much." He said as he looked into her eyes and kissed her softly. His hand travelled down again.

"Wow..." He said as he lifted her shirt and laid his head against her. He could feel the faint bumps. "Hey there, Thing One and Thing Two..." He whispered. "This is your daddy. Your daddy loves you so much." Meredith could feel his smile forming. Then she felt a few tears slide down her abdomen.

They both sat there is amazement. Derek kept his head on her stomach. He couldn't believe it. He helped create them. He and Meredith created them out of love. The love they shared made two perfect children. Nothing brought him more satisfaction. Nothing.

"I love you, Derek." She said softly. She looked down at him. "Derek?" Meredith said again. Nothing. He had fallen asleep. On her stomach. And she ached. She needed to move, but she couldn't he looked so sweet. So content. She laid there for minutes. And then minutes turned into an hour. Then it hit. The craving.

"Derek..." She said softly as she rubbed his head.

"Hmm?" He asked as he looked up into her green eyes. They sparkled softly in the faint moonlight coming through their curtains.

"I want pizza." She said sweetly. She needed to butter him up, she knew that.

"Pizza?" He asked with a moan.

"Yeah. Homemade. Your pizza." She said with a grin. "Please?" She said as she grabbed a page out of his book and titled her head.

"Mer, it's three am. Way to late to make pizza. Hell, it takes thirty minutes for the dough to rise." He said as he looked at her. Her face dropped. She looked at his tired eyes. He had surgery tomorrow. She couldn't ask him.

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