Chapter 42

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Derek searched all over for Meredith. He knew all of her favorite hiding spots, she wasn't in any of them. When she didn't want to be found, it was nearly impossible to find her. He had no idea how he was going to dig himself out of this mess. He just knew he had to. He confided in Addison, and she told him he had to apologize until she listened. Meredith wasn't the type that you bought flowers and a card. This was going to be much more complex than that.

Meredith was stressed out. How could they deny their granddaughter a chance at survival? She would never understand it. She couldn't deal with the stress of her life at this moment. She was angry at Derek. Generally, she would be upset. She would shut down. But Derek had made her mad. She needed to hide. She needed to be away from her friends and away from Derek. She found an empty patient room. She sat back in the chair and flipped on the t.v. It was perfect. No friends, no Derek, no stress. She took a big bite of her sandwich and thought about her current situation.

"Has anyone seen Meredith?" Derek asked as he walked up to the intern's table. He never went to their table. They always assumed he was too good for interns. But not too good to sleep with them, Alex always said.

"Nope." Izzie said quickly.

"She's hiding from you." Cristina said frankly.

"I assumed as much." Derek sulked.

"What did you do to her?" George asked nosily.

"He basically said she was immature, and irresponsible." Cristina explained.

"Not exactly." Derek explained. "If you see her, can you let her know I'm looking for her."

"Sure." Izzie said.

"I'm not sure it will make a difference." Cristina said sarcastically.

"Just tell her, okay?" He said as he quickly walked away.

"He said she was immature?" Izzie asked Cristina.

"Ouch." Alex added. "I guess she is a little..."

"She has been a good friend, let's not bash." Izzie warned. "Maybe we should find her. Maybe she needs us."

"She needs us..." Cristina started. "She needs us to leave her alone!"

"Fine." Izzie answered defeated.

Meredith had managed to avoid Derek all day long. She let out a big sigh of relief as she pulled out of the hospital parking lot. Derek's car was still there, so she knew she was safe for awhile. She stopped by and grabbed a burger and fries. She didn't like fast food, but she wasn't cooking, and Izzie was on call. She moaned as she pulled into the driveway and saw Ian's car. Just one more problem in her life.

"Hey." Ian said with a smile.

"I hate you. And you are a loser. You don't even have a job. And you sit on your ass all day." She said angrily as she threw her bag of fast food on the table. "What do you do all day anyway?"

"Well, I would go out, but where? You did steal all of my money." He said frankly. She shook her head in agreement.

"So you just sit here, and run up my bills?" She asked as she took a big bite of her burger.

"Pretty much." He replied as she grabbed her burger out of her hand a took a bite. "I go trough your stuff too."

"You do not." She said, giving him a warning glare.

"I do." He said with a shrug. "I have to say, I like your collection of thongs. You have some nice ones."

"You are so full of crap." She said as she threw a fry it him.

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