Chapter 46

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Meredith woke up in bed alone. She had to work today, and so did Derek. She sat up in the bed and looked around the room. Derek was no where to be found. Maybe he got paged, she thought. She slowly threw her legs over the side of the bed and leisurely walked to the bathroom. The bathroom quickly filled with steam. The shower was hot when she climbed in. She didn't want to get out. The water felt really good as it ran down her sore hips. The minute she walked out of the shower she smelled food. She was starving. She threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, and hurried down the stairs. Derek was standing in front of the stove making french toast. Izzie, Todd, George and Ian were all sitting happily at the table.

"You're cooking?" Meredith asked happily.

"Well, I was cooking for you. And then everyone else showed up." He said with a chuckle. She walked over, and he turned his head giving her a quick kiss.

"Good morning." She said softly.

"Good morning." He said as he kissed her again.

"Oh come on!" Ian spat as he gagged.

"So, let me get this straight." Todd started. "You two are together." He said pointing to Meredith and Derek.

"Yep." Meredith answered as she stirred her coffee.

"But you're married to him?" Todd asked, pointing to Ian.

"No." Meredith said happily. "Not married. Were married. Past tense."

"What?" Izzie said in shock as she whipped her head around.

"He signed." Meredith said with a smile.

"Seriously?" She asked Ian.

"When did this happen?" George asked, as he shoved a bite of french toast in his mouth.

"Yes." Ian confirmed. "I signed."

"The bastard signed them the first day he came to town. He has been living in this house just to torture me." Meredith said. "Thanks for that, honey." She said as she pinched him in the side.

"Hey!" He whined. She continued. "Stop." He said as he moved away.

"Oh quit whining." She said with a smile.

"You people are dysfunctional." Todd said with wide eyes.

"Yeah, we know." Meredith said nonchalantly. "So where is my breakfast?" She asked loudly.

"Hey! We were her first." Ian spat as he shot a glance at her.

"Yeah, well I lay on top of him naked every night. Me first." She said as she bit her lip.

"She has a point." Derek said with a smile, as he threw food on her plate. "So how are you feeling?" He said as he kissed her on the head, causing everyone to moan.

"I am great. I am going to get in on a good surgery today, and I'll be even better." She confidently said with a smile.

"I have a acoustic neuroma today." Derek said happily.

"I want that!" She said loudly.

"Hey, no fair!" George said. "I want it."

"Nope. You-pain in the ass. Me-orgasms. It's mine." She said. "So are you using the translabyrinthine, retromastoid, or subtemporal approach?"

"Most likely the translab." He said simply.

"How big is the vestibular schwannoma?" She asked.

"Fairly large." He said as he glanced at her. "So everyone, what instruments do we use?" He questioned, testing their knowledge.

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