Ghost Girl

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The spiritual. The Supernatural. Ghosts, witches, the undead. All different terms and words used to describe the unnatural things of everyone's day-to-day lives. You would know. You were a paranormal investigator. While most people could see this all as a hoax, in this world, oh it was all real. They mostly lived in the underbrush of society. These monsters and demons didn't do much to actually interact with humans, but they certainly did know how to frighten people and consume their flesh and blood. Horrifying stuff for sure. But that's where you came in.

You walked through the slums of downtown, moving slowly. You rounded an alleyway and you could see a trio of teens facing a wall, spray painting it. You glared a bit and walked forward to the teens. One of them, a y young girl, turned back to you and tapped her friend's shoulders. She pointed back and just before the trio ran off, you threw a massive red color spear directly next to one of their heads. The boy backed away into the girl as you approached.

(Y/N): Ghosts and ghouls aren't allowed in this neighborhood. I thought we made that law very clear.

Boy: Oh well you know, ghosts are real.

(Y/N): Shut it, kid.

You took out your badge and showed it to the three. The tallest boy slowly glared at you and hissed loudly at you. From his hands, massive claws began to grow from them. The girl placed her hand on the boy's shoulder and took a step forward. You tipped your hat to her and smirked a little as you lit a cigarette.

(Y/N): Reiko.

Reiko: (L/N).

(Y/N): Nice to see you still remember me.

Reiko stood silent as you approached them all.

(Y/N): You three are breaking the law. You can either pay the fine or get the hell down to the Gallows with me and we can sort this out.

Boy: Psh. Gallows are just by your oppressive government! All we are trying to do is to live our best possible afterlives! We don't need this kind of abuse! Especially not from some cheap scape thinking he's a cop.

Before the boy could advanced, Reiko grabbed his shoulder and threw him back into the wall. She glared over to you and saw you smirk. She walked up to you and handed several bits of coins. Ghost money from the looks of things. You took it, looked them over, and nodded at her. Before she could float away back to Supernatural territory, you grabbed her arm with your glove and stopped her.

(Y/N): I need your help.

Reiko: Return the fine to me, then we may begin to hear your request.

You rolled your eyes and placed the coins back into her hand. You stepped away from her and she nodded at you. You stepped from her to give her some space.

(Y/N): I'm looking for a demon lord. Goes by Monoma. He's currently holding a few agents hostage. It's my objective to go in and get them out. Any means necessary. Do you know anything about him? Any leads? Powers, end goal, anything?

Reiko nodded at you and began to walk out of the alley. She then pointed outwards towards the downtown area. You turned back to her and cocked an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Downtown is not a good answer. Either you show me, or I send you all to the Gallows.

You glared at her for a little bit longer before she rolled her eyes. She walked forward and waved for you to follow behind her. You did so, reluctantly. Together, the two of you walked down through the slums of Ghost Town. It wasn't spooky or anything stereotypical. Creepy is definitely a good adjective, but not horrifying. Humans had pushed the spirits back with some barriers. But of course, all plans had their loopholes.

A few ghosts and spirits saw you and quickly flew away. You continued to walk forward, not paying them much mind. As you were walking, you leaned in a bit to Reiko.

(Y/N): So, how has your afterlife been?

Reiko: It's been alright. I get out quite often.

(Y/N): Seems like a faulty system them.

Reiko glanced back at you and continued onward. You rolled your eyes and continue to walk with her.

(Y/N): That's not what I meant and you know it.

Reiko kept silent and continue to walk forward. You sighed and stopped yourself as you saw Reiko moved through a building. You tapped your arms and looked at the wall annoyed. You rolled your eyes and began to climb up through the building. You walked across the roof as Reiko popped up from the roof and appeared before you. You glared at her as she looked at you with the most unamused stare of your life.

(Y/N): You're not funny.

Reiko kept up the glare.

(Y/N): Ok, slightly funny. You happy? I admitted it.

Reiko turned around and continued to guide you towards Monoma. You rolled your eyes and then threw your spear and almost hit her. She slowly turned back to you and glared at you. You glared at her and walked forward and pulled out your spear while still looking at her.

(Y/N): Listen here, you ghoul! You are going to tell me where Monoma is and with no sass. No sarcasm. No nothing. Your best chance of not suffering a final death is to listen and comply with the law at hand.

Reiko remained silent as she phased your body and stood behind you. Before she could move any further, a red highlighted scythe stopped her from moving. She slowly turned back to you and cocked an eyebrow. You pulled the scythe away from her and glared at her.

(Y/N): Understand?

Reiko: I understand, Agent. I am happy that your employment has continued to grow. Monoma is located 14 blocks down in the Traxus Building. He is armed with several other champions. You will need all the help you can must to even take him on.

(Y/N): Wasn't planning on it. Just needed his location and to confirm it.

Reiko: You'll die if you try to infiltrate that building.

(Y/N): Good to know.

You walked away from her and looked across the slums. You saw the Traxus Building in the exact position Reiko said it would be. You then jumped off of the roof of the building you were on, flipped forward, slide along a wall and landed on the ground safely, and ran towards the building. Reiko watched as you continued to run off. She rubbed her arm in nervousness before she also begins to walk towards the Traxus Building.

You continued to move through the city and avoided a few ghost citizens. Finally, you finished your run and stopped right before the large building. You cracked your neck and looked over your gear and found some binoculars. You looked into the building to see if you could confirm Reiko's testimony.

As you were gathering intel, you felt a cold presence behind you. Quickly, you spun around, ready to attack but stopped once you saw it was Reiko.

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

Reiko: You need help. And I am here to assist you.

(Y/N): I don't need anything.

Reiko: You NEED help even to just confirm my account. Come, I know of some safe passage.

(Y/N): Wait! (Reiko turns to you) Why? You gave me everything I need.

Reiko: Because. I am still indebted to you from my old life.

(Y/N): Reiko.

Reiko turned from you and began to float away towards another rooftop. You stood up and watched her. You sighed and began to follow your lost love to crack down on this demon lord. Talk about an odd and unwelcomed reunion. But hey, you got to see her again. 

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