Akuma's Life

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As the sun began to shine between the cracks of the curtains never in Akuma's apartment, a bit of the sunlight began to hit his eyes would start to wake him up, he turns around and tries to go back to sleep but by having that sunshine light shine on his eyes made the sleepiness go away, so it begins to get up from this futon and head over to his kitchen, he opened his fridge and saw that there was only a milk carton and three slices of bread in a bag, he takes them both out and proceedings to head over to the curtains and slid the door that led to his balcony, he sat down on on the entrance to the balcony and proceeded to eat the bread and drink the milk, as he sat down and ate he felt the cool morning breeze Rush against his face and the warmth of the Sun on his skin.


"(Sigh) I really need to get some more food in this damn apartment."

After you finished eating he went over to his futon and sat down and began looking at the news reports on his phone, the news was always the same every single day which was always the hero saves day, so he put his phone down and looked up at the ceiling.


"(Sigh) Work won't start until 10:20, so I'll just go to school today."

So Akuma got up and proceeded to put on his school uniform, he then grabbed his school bag and proceeded to step out of his apartment and locked his door, he proceeds to walk to the train station to head to school, once he made it to the train station he saw some people that went to a school chatting with each other, he ignores them like he usually does every time he goes to school, once he got on to his train he stayed by the entrance doors and stared out the window, after the train ride he proceeded to walk alone to school, once he finally made it to school he went straight to class and sat down at his desk right away, his desk was in the corner of the classroom which was close to the window, when class started he usually didn't pay attention to the teacher instead he looked out the window at the sky he'll even be looking down at the entrance to see who will be running late, once the bell rang for lunch time he proceeded to get up and head over to the cafeteria to buy his food, but on his way there a small girl with with glasses and brown hair stood in front of him, she looked like she was a second year which meant she was younger than him.


"Can I help you with something?"


"Umm A-Akuma senpai, my name is Yui Watanabe and I'm a second year, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometimes."

Yui locked her hands and looked down and waited patiently for Akuma's answer, but as she was waiting Akuma looks down at her with a blank face.


"I'm sorry but I have to decline your offer."

Akuma then walked past her and proceeded to head over to the cafeteria, Yui stood at the same spot still still looking down and hands still locked but on her face she was trying to fight the tears from coming out of her eyes, her friends then went over to comfort her, once that happened Akuma got his lunch and proceeded to head to the rooftop of the school to eat in peace, but the peace and quiet was then interrupted when three loud delinquents showed up, Akuma ignore them and tried to eat his lunch but the delinquents notice him alone and went over to mess with him.

~Bully 1~

"Hey you're that quiet guy with those scary looking eyes, you want to tell us why you're eating here alone."

Akuma doesn't answer his question and and continue eating.

~Bully 2~

"Hey he's talking to you."

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