Like Father Like Son

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As the Hall of Demons, The Plague and The Eclipse were prepared to head into the city they did not waste any more time and started walking out of the forest and heading straight to the city, as they were getting closer each group began splitting apart from one another, to head to their designated parts of the city, few minutes later each group begin walking into the city, as they begin heading deeper into the city they did not notice anything suspicious, but suddenly they heard static from speakers that echoed around the city, but that static slowly started to turn into a voice, that was recognizable to each group.


"Hello you damn villains."

As every villain heard his voice they weren't really surprised, since they knew Heroes were of course going to be city just like last time.


"You know the last time we heroes faced off against all of you, we ended up retreating because your numbers were greater than ours, so how about we minimize those numbers of yours."

As soon as he said that a large explosion suddenly went off inside of multiple buildings that the groups were next to, one by one an explosion went off and each group begin to run for their lives, but as the explosions kept going off large amounts of numbers in each group began running off to avoid explosions and rubble, as the explosions kept going off around the city, the heroes were in the center of the city where there was no explosives around them.


"Bakugou, was this truly the wise decision to make?"


"Believe me when I say it was, those explosives we're the one thing that could make their numbers low enough for us to move in."


"You might be right about lowering the, but what if their numbers get killed."


"If they get killed so be it, it's only fair since they've killed so many of Our Heroes."


"(Sigh) if you say so."

As soon as their conversation ended so did the explosions.


"All right Heroes!, Let's move out and take care of any of those damn villains that are still kicking!"

So large numbers Heroes began heading to the direction where the explosions went off, but as they were heading to that direction, the generals and the leaders were completely separated from their groups and had no clue where they could be, so with no other choice they stuck to the plan and headed straight to the center of the city hoping that their groups will do the same, but the heroes and villains had no clue that the young Heroes were in the city as well, and we're separated from after the explosions, but they continued on their own mission to fight the villains even if it means they'll be fighting alone.

~Southeast of the city~

As Akimitsu was on the southeast of the city, he walked the destroyed streets calmly would no worries about his surrounding.


"Well that was some hell of a firework show that the heroes plants for us, but I'm sure it didn't caused too much casualties, so I should keep on moving."

Akimitsu continued walking ahead in the street with his hands behind his head and whistling out loud, not caring that he is giving away his own position on where he is, but shortly he soon started hearing a pair of footsteps heading his way, so he stopped what he was doing, and reached his right hand into the left side of his jacket and pulled out his lever action shotgun, where he then placed over his right shoulder as he looks ahead into the giant dust cloud, soon enough one of the young Heroes walked out of the dust clouds and it was Yasu, who had both of his hands inside of his pocket and smiling right at Akimitsu, not even caring that he is holding a shotgun over his shoulder, the two looked at each other meters apart without taking their eyes off the other.

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