The Quirkless VS The Quirk

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After a couple minutes since Oni got off the elevator and on to her own floor it didn't take too long for Akuma to arrive at his floor, as he ran through the halls he carefully looked over the corners to see if there could be any pro heroes ahead, luckily he didn't see any which was a good thing for him, makes it to the certain locations that he needed to plant the bombs, as Akuma was on his final one he quickly rush to the area that he needed to go, once he arrived he set down the duffle bag and unzipped it which he then reaches inside to pull out but as he was about to grab it he suddenly had a feeling that someone was watching her, he takes his hands out of the bag and stands up.


"If you're just going to hide then I suggest you run as well."

Akuma then turned around and looked at the end of the hallway.


"You're over there aren't you?"

As soon as Akuma said that a pro Hero appeared right at the same direction he was looking at, the hero smiled at him and began clapping.


"Wow I'm impressed, not a lot of people can detect me like that, I bet you have one amazing quirk that allows you to do that right?"

Akuma doesn't say a word to him said he just stairs at him with a serious look in his eyes.


"All right not much of a talker I see, let me introduce myself my name is Chameleon and you are?"

Again Akuma doesn't say a single word to chameleon instead he just continue staring at him.


"(Sigh) okay I'm just going to tell you this once, give yourself up and you won't get hurt."


"Like hell I'll give up to someone like You."


"All right if you say so kid."

Suddenly Chameleon turned invisible right in front of Akuma's eyes but that didn't worry him at all, instead he just stood at the same spot he was standing in and waited, suddenly Akuma gets punched on the right side of his cheek but he still doesn't do anything, Akuma remains still standing on his own two feet and just waiting, from doing that he was then repeatedly punched in the face and stomach, but all those punches that Akuma couldn't see coming he then started to know the fighting style of Chameleon.


"Okay he's going to throw a right."

Akuma moves towards the left which allowed him to dodge Chameleons punch with surprised him very much, but Akuma didn't know that at all so he then lowered himself and punched upward which he then managed to uppercut Chameleon which causes him go back to normal, now that Akuma could finally see Chameleon he started to throw his own punches straight at him, Akuma's punches manages to hit Chameleons body over and over, Chameleon tried backing away from him but Akuma didn't allow that, he just kept getting closer and closer not allowing him to turn invisible again, now that Akuma had Chameleon where he wanted him there was a perfect opportunity to use a move that he learn from Takeo, he pulls back his right arm and closes the top part of his fingers and only showing the palm of his hands, and with force he then hits chameleon in the chest, from the force of Akuma's palm manages to blow out all the air from his lungs which even falls to his hands and knees trying to catch his breath, but Akuma grabbed chameleon by his head and hits him with his knees which breaks the visor that was on his helmet, after that Chameleon was then knocked unconscious just from that one knee to the face, but to make sure Akuma repeatedly stomp the back of his helmet eight times to make sure he was actually knocked unconscious.

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