you'll get sick - mildred ratched

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summary: mildred taking care of the reader when she's sick.

warnings: dizziness, just being sick

word count: 1056

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"Sweetheart" Your eyes fluttered open at the sudden voice. You winced at the sunlight peaking through the curtains, throwing the duvet over your head "We have to get up now" Your head began to throb at the talking, even when she was so quiet "no" you said, your throat feeling scratchy and burning like you swallowed hot glass. "What do you mean no?" When she pulled the blankets off you, a shiver ran through your body yet you felt so warm.

Her mouth slightly fell open "do you feel alright?" She asked, placing the back of her hand on your forehead and gasping slightly at how hot it felt "no" you sniffled "my head and throat and nose hurts and i'm burning" you stuttered out, hardly being able to make out a sentence. "You must be coming down with something. Let me run you a cold bath to bring your temperature down" The red head began to stand up, only to be stopped by your hand around her wrist "don't leave me" you wined, a few hot tears rolling down your face.

She walked back over to you, her hand cupping your cheek to wipe the fallen tears away "i'll be right back for you." This time she placed a small kiss on your forehead before disappearing into the bathroom. Your eyes began to feel heavier so you left myself fall back to sleep.

The next time you woke up, Mildred was by your side once again "Can you stand up for me?" She asked, her hands pushing your hair out of your face. You shook your head, knowing your headache would only get worse. "Well i can try" She proudly smiled at that.

As expected, your head started to throb much more when you sat up. The room almost looked like it was spinning and you would've fell right back down if it wasn't for Mildreds hand behind you back. "Good. You just gotta stand up now" She whispered, not wanting to be loud and cause anymore pain.

You hesitated for a moment, staring down at the floor before finally placing your legs there, shifting your weight forward to stand up. Your legs immediately felt like jelly, you could barely hold yourself up and Mildred quickly caught on to that. "I have you, just lean on to me." She wrapped her arm around your waist and you shifted most of your weight on to her.

"Almost there" She said, placing you on the side of the tub before removing your clothing. Right as you stepped into the bathtub (with help from Mildred) a shiver instantly ran through your body again, your toes curled at how cold the water was. But it also felt so nice and refreshing after over heating. "Just stay there. Im going to get you some medicine" She stated, knowing you probably couldn't focus on what was coming out of her mouth but she still decided to treat you like you were an actual person rather than if you were a dog.

Seconds later, her hand was out in front of you with a small white pill on her palm. You stared down at it before quickly taking it and she instantly led a glass of water to your mouth. "Do you feel any better?" She asked, still with a concerned face. "No, i'm just cold now" you sniffled, your teeth chattering. "I know my sweet girl. I'm sorry but i need to get your temperature down" Her hands ran through your damp hair.

The feeling of Mildreds soft hands running through your hair began to put you back into a sleepy state. Your eyes felt heavy and it got harder and harder for you to keep them open but you fought to do so. Mildred was quick to notice this. "You can get some rest darling, i'm right here" You hummed in response, finally letting your eyes shut and your last view being of your girlfriend.

And it was only a few minutes later when you awoke again, probably from the coldness running through my body. "Let me take your temperature before you get out" The red haired women said, placing a thermometer on the tip of your tongue. "It's gone down a lot" She said, her gaze on the numbers on the thermometer "I could've told you that" you looked down at the goosebumps on your arms.

She reached over, grabbing your arm to help you up. Everything was dizzy for a moment before it just turnt into a throbbing headache one again. "Take you time" She whispered as you stepped out of the cold bath. She instantly wrapped a towel around your icy cold body, right before the air could hit you and cause another wave of shivers.

The red haired women guided you over to your shared bed (that suddenly had a new blanket and sheets which you figured she did while you were asleep in the bath) and gently sat you on top. "Don't move, i'll get you some warm clothes" She rushed over to your wardrobe, trying to pick something out while still being quick.

Minutes go by and finally you was fully clothed although it took some time, being in such a weak state. "I'm going to get you some soup. You need food in you system" you shook your head "No please, it'll make me sick"  "Y/n-" she sighed "I'll eat later, i just want to lay here with you" She couldn't resist, not when you looked like you were on the verge of tears.

Without anymore words being exchanged, the red haired women slid in bed right beside you. Instantly, you cuddled right into her side where she tightly wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. Although, you started to feel quite bad, having put all this work on her and risk giving her whatever you were sick with "Wait i don't want to get you sick" You tried to slither out of her embrace but it was no use, she was stronger and wouldn't let go "i work with sick patients all the time, i'm fine" She leaned down, peppering kisses on the top of your head "besides i will always take care of you no matter what."

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