the one - cordelia goode

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summary: cordelia hosts a secret santa at the academy and you pick cordelia's name. you have to get her something special, and maybe even reveal your feelings through the gift.

warnings: none

word count: 2913

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"You all know how to play secret santa, correct?" Cordelia's eyes gazed over the few of you that were standing in front of her. It was the first year that you were doing secret santa at the academy. Though, the only people participating were you, Zoe, Madison, Queenie, Misty, Cordelia, and somehow Mallory and Coco got dragged into it.

Madison huffed, crossing her arms "obviously everyone knows how to play. Now will you get on with it." You hated how Madison talked to Cordelia, actually when anyone even slightly raised their voice to her. You always had this urge to protect Cordelia -possibly because you were so deeply in love with the woman- and at times, it got hard to keep your cool whenever Madison didn't censor herself around Cordelia.

"Well let me set some rules first. No telling who you got and nothing over fifty dollars." Cordelia said.

With that, the bowl of names began to go around this little circle you all made.

As everyone picked out a small paper, there were some smiles and of course a groan from Madison although you knew she would do that no matter who she got.

Then it was down to you and Cordelia. You really didn't mind whoever you got -you were close with all the girls and didn't have a problem with any of them- but the thought of getting Cordelia had, for some reason, made your stomach knot.

And of course, you got Cordelia.

Your eyes bugged out of your head but you quickly put on a smile so nobody would think anything of it. You were in love with Cordelia and getting her a gift meant you could get her absolutely anything -under fifty dollars. Which, also gave you an opportunity to express your feelings to her through the gift.

No you couldn't. What if she didn't feel the same? You would ruin Christmas.

As Cordelia picked out her name -the last name in the bowl- a small smile graced her lips. I wonder who she got, you thought.

And then after that, you all just went your separate ways.


A few hours later, you wondered into the greenhouse. It was the one place you could really relax and after trying to think what to get Cordelia, you could really use some relaxing.

But the thoughts of everything you could get her just wouldn't leave your head.

You couldn't get her something little that she would use in the greenhouse of her office or something like that. No, you had to get her something special to show her just how special she was to you.

Of course she would appreciate anything you got her but you didn't want her to just appreciate it. You wanted whatever you got her to linger with her forever. So, in the four days you had to get her a gift, you were going to have to do a lot of thinking.

You began scrolling through your phone, leaned against the greenhouse table, trying to look for something, or at least something that would give you an idea.

And then you felt an arm on your back. You almost dropped your phone to the ground as you didn't even hear anyone walk in. You were really in your thoughts.

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