sick day - ally mayfair-richards

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summary: ally takes care of you when you wake up sick one morning

warnings: medicine and dizziness

word count: 1386

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You've been up long enough to see the dark sky turn into an orange sunrise. Tossing and turning the best you could in Ally's strong arms. Her own body heat only enabled more sweat to build up behind your neck, and for your body to feel like it was on fire. But there was still a chill that ran throughout you, the only thing keeping you from getting up and taking a cold shower.

Ally began to stir, and you knew she eventually would from instinct. She didn't need an alarm to wake herself up. Her body was just so used to the routine.

Before you knew it, she started to kiss your jawline, unaware that you've already woken -and have been awake for hours now.

You groaned and could feel the sore feeling in your throat. From the moment you woke up, you knew you came down with something. You were just too comfortable to get up and take medicine. And your body was beginning to ache and feel sore on top of that.

"Baby, it's time to get up" She said. You couldn't distinguish if it was your fever or being flustered by Ally's morning voice, that made your cheek heat up. You figured it was both.

"You get up. I'm gonna sleep" you muttered into Ally's hair but quickly moved your face when realized that you didn't want to risk the chance of sneezing on her.

"It's Friday. You have work, sweetheart."

"I'm aware."

She sighed and got up. She walked over to the window and opened the blinds. Never in your life had you been more angry to see sunlight. It distressed your already pounding eyes.

You whined and put Ally's pillow over your head. Your nose was so stuffed up so much that you couldn't even smell Ally's scent.

"Come on drama queen. What is your problem today?" She jumped back on the bed and straddled your waist. When she pulled the pillow off of you, she could see how truly drained and sick you looked.

"Oh my love. Do you feel alright?" She asked and placed the back of her hand against your forehead. She almost gasped at your temperature.

"No. I feel so sick, Ally" you began to cry. And really, you felt childish for crying over being sick but in the moment, you didn't care. You just wanted Ally to hold you like you were a child.

"What hurts honey?" She frowned. She couldn't handle seeing you so down. "My throat. My eyes. My nose is stuffed. My ears kinda hurt too. And my body is so sore."

"Oh my poor girl. You might have come down with a cold. I'm going to get you some medicine. Stay right here." You weren't planning on going anywhere anyways. And you would've teased Ally for that but you had absolutely no energy.

Moments later, Ally came back from the bathroom with a small pill and cup of water in her hand. She encouraged you to sit up, but you refused, so she gave up. Normally. you could easily take a pill if you had to. Right now, it felt like you were swallowing big, sharp rocks.

"Sweetheart, I have to bring Oz to school. I want you to lay in bed and rest. I'll be back within twenty minutes, alright?"

You nodded and she walked back over to the windows to shut the blinds finally. "I love you, baby. Just call me if you need me but i'll be right back."

"Okay, Ally. Love you too." Despite your throat, you chuckled at how worried she got. Sure, you wanted to just be held by Ally, but you would be perfectly fine for twenty minutes on your own.

She came over to kiss your forehead and then left.
You were asleep for the entirety that Ally was gone and then you woke up when you felt her running her fingers through your hair. "Hi pretty girl" she whispered "I got you some ice cream for your throat."

You turned around and saw her smiling down at you. You looked at her through half opened eyelids and gave a weak smile. "It's vanilla."

"I love you. You are amazing" you said and nuzzled your head into Ally's lap. You really wanted that ice cream but getting up to eat it felt nearly impossible.

Ally figured this out quickly and sat up against the headboard. "Come here baby." She grabbed you and placed you between her legs. You laid your head back on her chest and began to eat the ice cream that relieved a lot of the soreness in your throat.

"Oz is going to his friends house right after school and sleeping over so I have all the time to take care of you." You smiled. You loved Oz but it was nice to have alone time with Ally. You didn't have that often, and now that you got it, you of course had to be sick.

"Now you're stuck with me" she teased.

"Lucky me" you tried to sound flirtatious, but she laughed at your failed attempt.

A pint of ice cream and a few coughing fits later and you were half asleep on Ally. She couldn't stand hearing you cough like you've been smoking your entire life. She wasn't annoyed, she just didn't like knowing that you were in so much pain and uncomfort.

"Let me put some vapor rub on you, honey. It'll help with your cough." You hummed, agreeing, but you weren't sure that she could hear you.

She got up anyways, and came back a minute later with the container in her hand. You were laying on the unmade bed like a dead body. "Can I take your shirt off, baby?"

You nodded slowly, not because you were unsure, but because your neck hurt too much to move.

She helped you out of your shirt, with no help from you, and scooped some of the vapor rub onto her fingers before gently rubbing it on your chest. At first, you wanted to push her away; it was too cold, but you quickly got used to it.

You're eyes were closed because you couldn't lie, Ally rubbing the vapor rub on your chest was really starting to soothe you. But when you noticed she stopped and was staring down at you, you opened your eyes.

She was smiling with her tongue between her teeth. That smiling always got you, she knew it too. "What?" You said, trying to hide your own dopey smiling. "You just look really cute with your red nose."

"Allyyyy" you whined "I probably look like a mess right now."

"A cute mess" she leaned down and kissed your nose but you shooed her away "you'll get sick."

"That's okay. You'll just have to take care of me baby."
You feel asleep in Ally's arms and woke up a few hours later feeling no better. Your fever was high and with your shirt discarded, you were sweating and freezing over and over again.

You tried to sit up but groaned at the aching feeling in your back.

"Your back?" Ally asked, and you hummed. "Let me give you massage."

You flopped your body onto your stomach. Giving each other back massages was like a love language for you both. It was one of your favorite things.

Ally straddled your back and pressed her hands against the aching muscles on your back. You let out a soft sigh as she started to rub her hands against your back. "Does that feel nice, honey?" She asked. You nodded your head against the pillow, too content -and too sick- to verbally respond.

When she was done a few minutes later, you rolled back onto your back and looked up at Ally. "Thank you for taking care of me, baby" you said with a raspy voice.

"Of course, sweetheart" she leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Now how about I go run you a hot bath?"

Once again, you nodded and smiled as you watched her walk off into the bathroom. You hated being sick, but Ally made it kind of nice.

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