'tis the season pt.2 - lana winters

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summary: part 2 to 'tis the season where you
propose to lana with the ring you bought.

warnings: none

word count: 1186

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You woke up to the feeling of someone stirring in your arms. You look below you and see the beautiful sight of your -hopefully- soon to be fiancee. Then you did get quite nervous when you remembered what you had to do today. You and Lana had talked about marriage before but it was always just a little thing like 'I want to marry you one day' but it was never anything serious.

You leaned down and placed a kiss on you top of Lana's head which resulted in her eyes slowly fluttering open. You let out a giggle when she groaned and cuddled closer into your side. She looked up at you with the biggest smile she could possibly give you.

"Merry Christmas beautiful" you said and you still had that loving tone to your voice however, Lana could hear a slightly nervous after tone. She didn't understand why but she was determined to keep an eye on you and figure out what was making you anxious.

"Merry Christmas love" she shivered so you pulled the duvet higher, covering you both. That made her stomach explode with butterflies. You always looked out for her, take care of her and that's one of the things she loves most about you.

Your eyes gazed to the clock on the wall. It was nine o'clock and you expected that you would be on your knee with a ring in your hand by ten. So soon yet so far.

Lana pulled your attention back to her by placing a little kiss on your lips. You couldn't mentally thank her enough because you kept overthinking which would make this more difficult for you. Though, that didn't completely abolish this fear. When you saw her beautiful face right in front of you and how soft her lips were against your own, it only worried you more that you could possibly lose that today if she were to say no.

"Well we better get up, we have much to do today" you wanted to propose to her before going to Kits house -like you did every year. You were hoping that you even got to share the news to him and his little family.

"Oh yes" she giggled "i cannot wait to give you your present!" If only she knew what you got her.

You both got up and made your way to the living room decorated with a big Christmas tree, lights, and the fireplace was going to keep you both warm during this cold winter morning.

The brunette made her way to the tree, picking up a little box shaped gift and a bigger one that was thinner, both wrapped in gold christmas paper.

"Oh two gifts? You didn't have to" you said as she handed them both to you. She rolled her eyes at you, you said this every year but the thing was; all you needed was her. She was the gift that keeps on giving.

"Oh just open them!" She sat down beside you, so close that she was almost on your lap. You didn't mind though; you liked having her close.

As you opened the first present -the smaller one- you could feel Lana's intense gaze on you. You tried to hold back a laugh at how excited she was over your gift but it was nearly impossible.

Once the wrapped paper was off, you noticed that it was a small black box. Don't tell me she's proposing as well. Though, when you opened the box, you took a deep breath when you saw that it was not in fact a ring.

"Lana" you said trying to hold back tears.

"open it, it's a locket" you did as told and opened it to see a picture of both of you. It was from when the beginning of your relationship and to see how far you've both had come made your heart explode. "It's beautiful" you bit down, hard, on your lip.

"Let me put it on you" she took the necklace out of your hands and began to separate your hair, moving it off your neck. Her hands brushed over your neck as she did so, causing chills to course through your body.

Once she had finally clipped it, you turned back to her "how does it look?" you asked, noticing that the brunette couldn't take her eyes off of you. "Stunning" she said breathlessly.

After moments of silence, just staring at each other's beauty, Lana had spoke again "you still got another one! Open it!"

This gift was the bigger, thinner one.

You took the wrapping paper off, it was a book, from what you saw at first glance, it looked like a scrap book.

"It's a scrap book of our relationship. If you open it, there's pictures of us and I wrote little notes and memories. It even has that flower you gave me on our first date." Now you really couldn't hold your tears back "Lana, it's beautiful" you sniffled though you allowed your tears to dance freely down your face "Thank you. So much."

"Anything for you." She pulled you into a hug, kissing the top of your head. "What do you say we look through it. After you give me my present" you giggled at her. "Of course, After."

Your throat had suddenly felt dry. You wiped your sweaty palms on the outside of your thighs as you took a huge gulp.

You pulled the tiny black box out of your pocket.

You got on one knee.

There was no going back.

She gasped at the sight before her. She knew what was happening and she already couldn't contain the tears. The happy tears.

You took a moment to contain yourself before holding the box out in front of you.

"You've been there at my best and pulled me up at my worst. I can't imagine my life without you in it. You're my favorite person and i couldn't ask for someone better to be my partner. I want to grow old with you and i know that technically, we can't get married but i still want to call you my wife and to share a last name with you. We can wear the rings and we'll know and our close friends will know. So, Lana Winters, will you marry me?"

The brunette covered her face with her hands, the tears now heavily rolling down her face. "Yes! Of course!"

You grabbed her hand from her face and slid the ring on. Just as you expected, it looked perfect on her, fit for a queen.

She ran into your arms, gentle grabbing you face so you could see the happiness through her eyes. "I love you. I love you" she attacked your lips with her own, your tears colliding with hers.

"Miss Lana Y/L/N-Winters, what do you say we go look through that scrap book?" She smiled as the name sounded so lovely out loud. "That's sounds nice, fiancee."

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