Cannibal x Reader

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I weaved a hand through my tangled hair as I sat down by the campfire. The muggy smalltalk of my fellow survivors blurred with the eternal night air. I watched the flames lap up the logs in a vain attempt to stay alight even though even they knew they were gonna last forever. Survivors came and went, and when I felt as if I wouldn't have a trial for a while, I myself stood.

Instead of moping around the campfire or brooding to the same survivors, I decided to go for a small walk. A walk through the mysterious forest that the Entity had morphed itself. As terrifying as the realm truely was, I wasn't as afraid as I should've been. Alas, I was always on edge. You never knew when a killer, spidery leg or even a crow would come give you a wee bit of the ole 'argy bargy'.

I gazed upon the twisted trees and distorted sky in hopeless wonder. As I walked past a large oak-like tree, I noticed a small pulsating bundle glowing up ahead. I knew I probably should've turned back to the campfire that was just a small glint from where I was standing, but I crept closer to the glow anyway. Upon further inspection, I noticed that they were flowers. The flowers were growing from the ground by thick and sturdy stems that twisted like dead tree branches. Spider-like thorns stuck out around the molten centres of the strange plants that I knew I probably shouldn't of touched.

My shaky hand still traced over the thick thorny stem of one of them anyway. Because when you had been in the Entity's realm for as long as I had, flowers weren't scary. These weren't any ordinary flowers though. They had been around here forever. That 'Blight' guy would inject his little killer friends with it. But this wasn't about the Blight or any of the killers he infected. There was another certain killer that I had met that night that made my heart melt.

I picked a flower from its blighted haven and held it up close to my face. I watched in awe as it glowed gold and pulsated in my hand. Suddenly from behind me, I heard a man desperately try to sputter out words but ended up sounding like gibberish. I dropped the flower in surprise and whipped my head around to said man.

I had only just noticed that the fog cleared to reveal a realm right next to me. There was an invisible barrier that separated the realm from the woods I was in. The realm looked to be the farm I had been placed in a few times before. A tall man who's face was shrouded with a mask made of skin peered at me through the barrier. He said some more gibberish as I stared at him with wide eyes.

"I—I...!" I sputtered myself as I had no idea what to say to the killer I had been faced with before.

The masked man was wielding his signature chainsaw in his grasp. Though this man was big, tall, bloody and armed, he looked like he was so scared. Scared of me! I looked back at the demonic flowers that grew around the forest then back at him again. He muttered some more incoherent words to himself, seemingly about me before backing away from the barrier quickly. I felt the fog communicating with us, and the killer stilled. The invisible forcefield evaporated until the woods around me was gone, all except the glowing flowers.

The man before me whimpered and gripped his chainsaw so tight I could see his knuckles turning wide in the yellowish tinged atmosphere. I was now in the realm with him, and he was scared.

Scared of me, but he knew what to do to people he was scared of.

Before he could even pull the ripcord of his saw, I stammered something through the thick fog.

"No—no, wait! Don't be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you! This isn't a trial! I'm just—lost...!" I held my hands up and tried to reassure him.

The killer looked up from the saw and asked me something incoherent. I tilted my head in confusion after not understanding the question.

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