Trickster x Fem!Shy!Reader

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Somewhere in South Korea, years ago

I sat at a small round table by myself in art class. The other children all had partners or a group of friends with them. Loud and childish chatter erupted through the classroom. The tabletops were a mess. Art supplies were littered everywhere. Glitter and school glue stuck to just about every surface possible. Most children had crusted paint covering their arms and clothes. The art teacher went around the room, assisting students with their artworks or scolding them for misbehaving.

I glanced down at my artwork in front of me glumly. All the other kids seemed to be having so much fun with their friends. I was a shy girl, so I didn't have many. I picked up a crayon and became to colour my art in boredom. The explosive chattering of my peers around me was almost overwhelmingly loud. I noticed the jar of colourful beads sitting on the table, thinking I could make a bracelet or something. But then I just went back to colouring anyway. I scanned the classroom again, not a single child even caring I was all by myself. Figures.

My eyes then stopped when I saw a boy who sat alone just like me. He seemed just as bored too. His head rested in his palm with his dark eyes trained on the table. All the other kids were at the tables at the front of the class, causing a ruckus. Though this boy and I sat at the back tables, in everybody's shadows. He seemed lonely. I shakily stood from my chair, awkwardly shuffling over to his table.

"Hi..." I mumbled.

The Korean boy looked up at me, clearly uninterested. "Hi." He spat.

I fidgeted with my hands, staring at my shoes shyly. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Ji-Woon. What's your name?" The boy replied.

I told him my name sheepishly. "Whatcha making?" I added quietly.

Ji-Woon looked down at his artwork before pushing it away from him. "Nothing." He grumbled.

I noticed that there was not much on his paper at all. He didn't seem very interested in sketching or other forms of craft.

"Don't like drawing?" I inquired.

"No." Ji-Woon said bluntly.

I turned to look at the rest of the class having fun. I then looked at my own art laying on my seperate table, crayons strewn about. The jar of beads by the box of crayons stood out brightly as I got an idea.

"Here," I started. I walked over to my table and plucked the jar of beads up into my grasp. "How about we make bracelets instead?" I offered.

Ji-Woon stared at me strangely. "Together...?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah! It'll be fun." I squealed.

I placed the jar down in front of him before running over to a shelf where a roll of string was kept. I raced back over to his table and plopped down on a chair right next to his. Ji-Woon kept staring at me like I was a total weirdo. I just beamed at him, trying to hide my nerves. I turned my attention to the jar of beads however. I unscrewed the lid and poured them all out onto the table messily.

"Come on, Ji-Woon." I encouraged. "I'll make you one! What's your favourite colours?" I babbled.

The Korean boy shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He glanced at the colourful beads that littered over his unfinished artwork, then back up at me. An uncertainty brewed in his brown eyes, before opening his mouth to speak.

"Um... maybe pink and yellow?" Ji-Woon guessed.

"Okay!" I yipped.

I began to seperate round beads that were a bright yellow and a hot pink. He seemed to like them the best. I also shuffled through the Hangul beads, finding the letters to his name in mismatched colours. Ji-Woon watched me thread the beads onto a piece of string for a while before he hesitantly weaved through some beads himself.

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