Deathslinger x Reader (fluff) 2

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I watched closely at the orange flames that licked at the logs of wood. The campfire glowed brightly into the never ending night. My fellow survivors chatted amongst themselves that cold quiet night. My gaze upon the campfire grew more and more keen as the flames engulfed the logs in a fiery blaze. As the others talked, wandered or were even sucked up by the Entity itself for another trial, my mind wandered. I sat a little closer to the campfire as the wind blew harsher and icier. I hugged my knees closer to my chest as I sat on the ground, shivering quietly to myself.

The other survivors paid no mind. In fact, many were disappearing off to trials now. I huffed, knowing that meant that I would be off too soon. I tried to enjoy my final moments of the campfire. The cold wind howled, giving my ears that awful chilly feeling. My mind wandered more as the heat of the flames slowly started to comfort me in the darkness of the night. I wondered if I had enough time to run off to my favourite realm, Dead Dawg Saloon, for a quick drink. I had an offering with me, and the fire was going strong...

I decided against burning an offering and going to the realm. The more prominent reason I wanted to go there was to see Caleb. I had a feeling he was busy on a trial or something.

Oh, Caleb... I thought dreamily.

I wished he was with me right then and there. It wasn't every night that it was bitterly cold, but it was most of them. I would've loved nothing more but for Caleb to of sat next to me by that campfire. For him to then drape his long leather coat over my shoulders and hold me close to his muscular body. And then he would kiss me, the cold ice would melt away and leave me with a warm feeling of pure heat. I pondered our first kiss, it was the night that we very first met. Sure, we were both a bit tipsy (or a little more than that), but that just made it even more passionate.

As if on an eerie cue, the Entity's fog whispered in my ear with its freezing breath. Me and three other survivors were drifted off into a murky haze to our next godawful trial. When I opened my eyes, my pupils (I was sure) enlarged by 50%. There I stood in the realm of none other than good ol' Dead Dawg Saloon. A shaky smile crept along my face as my feet plodded along the dusty dirt. But then a determined look met my features.

Alright, time to get these damned generators working!

I crouched down low and stalked through tall grass to keep myself hidden from the unknown killer. My eyes lit up again at the sight of the first busted generator. My hands immediately went to work on it as quickly and quietly as I could. Anxious breaths left my lips as the generator's pumping noises rang in my ears. Just as I was about to finish fixing the old machine, a man's scream ripped through the realm. I gasped and shot up, causing the generator to blow up in my face.

"Shit!" I yelped.

I shielded my face from the generator's hot sparks with my hands. I was quick to recover and shoot up from my crouched position. I set off away from the now broken again generator with a purposeful gait. I could see the red aura of my fellow survivor through walls and obstacles of the realm.

It was Dwight Fairfield.

I rounded a corner and saw him up ahead, dragging his injured body along the ground.

"Dwight! Hold on!" I called out to him.

I jogged over to Dwight, where he staggered to his feet. I approached the man importantly, watching thick blood drip off his clothes.

"Dwight...!" I uttered.

He stumbled forward until we were against each other. Dwight breathed heavily and looked at his shaky bloodstained hands.

"Oh, god. Dwight..." I said softly, taking his wet hands in mine.



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