Nemesis x Child!Shy!Reader

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Unknown location


I backed into a brick wall in the schoolyard with dread present on my young face. Four bigger kids cornered me, two boys and two girls. They all snickered with mean smiles on each of their own faces. Tears pricked my eyes as my back hit the wall.

"What's wrong, loser?" The biggest boy mocked.

"If we're bothering ya, why don't ya just say something?" The other boy teased.

They all laughed, enjoying the tears that rolled down my cheeks. One of the girls stepped forward and cracked her knuckles.

"I wonder how many hits it'll take to make you finally speak up!" She grinned evilly.

The commotion soon caused the other children in the schoolyard to direct their attention to us. Many minded their own business, not wanting to fall victim to the group of bullies like I was. The rest formed a small crowd, watching the spectacle keenly.

Nobody tried to help me.

I was the 'weird' kid, according to these four idiots. It was all because I was shy, and had no friends because of it. I was also very quiet and tried to keep to myself to the best of my ability. Obviously, it wasn't working in my favour.

As the bullies closed in, panic surged through me. I whipped my head around, trying to find something that would save me from their cruelty. My teary eyes welled up with hope when I spotted a hole in the bottom of a nearby wire fence. Before I was completely cornered, I ran along the brick wall to get to the fence right next to it. I threw myself down onto the dirty ground, scurrying under the hole like a possum.

"Shit, after 'em!" I heard one of the boys cry.

Adrenaline kicked it, helping me pull myself through the hole. The wire scraped against my legs, leaving angry red scratches. I paid no mind though, scrambling to my feet and taking off away from the school. I set off down the street, where I knew the forest started. I huffed breathlessly as I full blown sprinted down the quiet road. I hesitantly looked back, seeing the two girls and smaller boy chasing after me. I could still make out the bigger boy standing behind the wire fence, being way too big to fit through the hole.

A fiery look of determination met me as I glared down the forest just at the end of the street. The three bullies yelled profanities that they seemed too young to know at me from behind. I ignored them as I was just metres away from the woodsy entrance. A tired breath of relief left me as I ran through the forest. I didn't know why, but it felt like a safe haven away from the bullies, even though I was sure that they would follow me. I continued to run deeper into the leafy terrain. The further I went, the foggier and more cold it grew.

When I realised that the bullies were in fact not following me, I halted to a stop. My brow furrowed as I spun on the spot, only seeing thick fog. My stomach sank as I noticed it seemed as if it was almost alive. I backed away to start running again, but then my eyes drooped. I staggered back, my head slumping forward.

I hit the ground with a thud.

The Entity's realm

My eyes cracked open at the muffled sound of people talking. I was immediately blinded by the bright light of a campfire. I looked past the orange flames, seeing dozens of grownups staring at me worriedly. My eyes widened, and that was when I finally realised that I was being cradled by someone. I looked up in shock, seeing a young man in a police uniform.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked gently.

"Where am I?" I jolted up in his arms and struggled to free myself.

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