Plague x Reader (fluff)

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I trudged out of the exit gate, completely exhausted. I huffed noisily and wiped the cold sweat off my brow with a bloody hand. I held my weapon at my side lazily, letting the grimy blade dangle. I had been a killer here for not too long, but long enough to be getting pretty tired of it. I was the Entity's new toy, and it wanted me in trials over and over until I broke, and then it would go get itself a new one. That's how I felt it was like with us killers.

I didn't see the other killers too much, them often taking refuge in their own realms in between trials. But me, I didn't have my own. I frowned sadly, wishing I had somewhere to call home in this dastardly place. As if on cue, the Entity's ghostly voice swirled about like wind in my mind. It told me things very carefully against my ear. I stopped walking as I reached its deep dark forest. I inspected my weapon in my hands carefully, scratching away crusted blood that adorned it with my nail.

"Yes..." I uttered in the dark, barely above a whisper.

The Entity made me a deal.

You cannot have your own realm. You must share.

"Okay, with who?"

The Entity grumbled out a hum in my mind, it deep in thought.

Anna and Adiris. Red forest—Temple of Purgation.

I bobbed my head in agreement.

"I will go. Please let me rest there."

I had grown accustomed to the temple I now resided in. It was far better than having nowhere to go after killing for the Entity. I had just come back from a rather brutal trial on my part. Both proud of myself and jaded, I slumped down in the grand temple and pulled out something from my pocket.

It was my smartphone.

The Entity liked its new toy: me. It was just as proud of me as I was of myself for sacrificing survivors so well and playing the role of their demise. The Entity would often coo affectionately in my brain as a sullen 'thank you'. Another way of showing its gratitude, was gifting me the phone I had back in the real world.

My old home—before I became a corrupted, deadly eldritch of the eternal night.

But as of now, I was curled up in a corner in the temple. The phone's screen lit up my face in an artificial blue hue. I smiled slightly at the screen, tapping away at social media and video games I had downloaded. It was rare moments like this that reminded me I was once more human. Once more normal—once more of a decent person. As my finger tapped at the phone, a small thought entered my mind.

Where's Adiris?

Adiris the Plague was my 'roommate'. She had no choice but to share her great temple with me. The Plague was curt and proper to me, giving me upper class respect and much space. It was a common thing for us to not always cross paths even though we pretty much lived together. When I was on trial, she was here. When I was here, she was on trial. I supposed that was how the Entity intended it.

No distractions, no speaking, no friendships, and absolutely no fun.

But tonight was a bit different. I leaned my head against the hard wall as I stared gleefully at my phone screen. I could hear footsteps slap against the marble floors from afar. I tilted my head back up and peered into the dark, trying to listen out for more. One of my hands let go of the side of the phone to grope my weapon that laid next to me. I squinted my eyes slightly in an attempt to look through the darkness of the temple. The Plague emerged from the opaque blackness.

"Oh, hello, Adiris." I greeted the woman with a soft smile.

Adiris bowed her head in reply, standing a few feet away from me. I turned my attention back to my phone, scrolling through my feed. I saw the Plague's head tilt curiously in the corner of my eye. She stepped closer to my sitting form, staring oddly at the phone in my hand. I gazed up at the woman with a puzzled look on my face.

"Huh? Oh, this?" I gestured to the phone in my hands.

"Yes." Said Adiris.

I stood up and walked over.

"This is a phone." I lifted the glowing object up to her height. "It's from the same century I was from: the twenty first century. Many, many years later than when you were from." I explained. The taller killer bent down to inspect the phone in my hand. "You can talk to people on it. It's a communication device." I said.

Adiris' only eyebrow raised in surprise under her golden headpiece. I giggled softly, a noise that hadn't left my lips in god knew how long.

"You can play games on it too! That's why the Entity lets me have it sometimes. So I can have a little bit of fun in between trials, you know?" I told the woman.

"Hmm..." the Plague uttered in wonder.

"You can try if you'd like!" I smiled, far more than I had ever in this ghastly realm. The fellow killer met my gaze with her bright blue eye, mouth ajar. "It's okay! I trust you." I beamed. I lifted the smartphone up to her hands and she gently took it from me, needing to bend down a little to meet my height. "Wow, you're really tall."

Adiris peered down at the phone in her hand, struggling to hold it with her golden finger armour. The Plague smiled down at me, squatting down to be face to face with me again. Wonder twinkled in her eye at me. This was the most we had ever talked as well as the closest we had ever been to each other.

"You're so tiny and cute." She giggled, placing a big hand on the top of my head to pet my hair.

I blushed crimson at the feeling of her armoured fingers running through my locks.

We became much better friends after that night.

Adiris and I found ourselves running into each other more and more at our shared temple. We would sit together in between trials. I would show her features on my phone with her stating on in bewilderment. Adiris would then show me around the temple. She'd give me advice for trials since I was still a newbie at being a killer. Adiris would supervise me as I practiced with my weapon, trying to master being a crazed killer.

The Entity was 'crushing' on me at the moment though. Not at all did it think that I needed anymore practice as survivors would rarely escape my reign of terror.

But one night grew strange—different, unexpected.

The freezing fog howled as the wind swirled about our realm. I shivered and clattered my teeth, rubbing my arms furiously. Adiris trotted over to the step I was sitting on and plopped down next to me.

"Hey, Addy." I cooed through shivers.

"Hello, little one." Adiris smiled.

"Brr! Freezing, huh?" I clattered my teeth again.

"Why so cold, little one? You need to warm up." Adiris then wrapped her long arms around my freezing body.

I immediately melted into it and found myself cuddling into her chest.

"Thank you, Addy." I muttered against her.

The Plague's body was surprisingly warm, considering how sickly she was. She kept her protective arms snaked around me. The woman snuggled me closer into her chest and hummed lovingly.

"Trials were tiring today. I dunno if I like being a killer or not." I said quietly, feeling fatigue nip at me.

"Rest now, little one. I am always here." Adiris said.

"Love you, Addy." I yawned.

"So cute and so tiny. I love you too, my dear little one."

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