Overprotective!Nightmare x Daughter!Tourette!Reader

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Springwood, Ohio, 2010

"Shit, shit, shit!"

I blindly ran down the street, my eyes wild. Police sirens sounded in the near distance, quickly approaching. My lungs were burning and my legs were aching. I had been running for so long, I felt I was about to collapse. I finally listened to my body and stopped in the middle of the road momentarily. I placed my bloody hands on my knees and huffed tiredly.

"Oh, shit. Oh, fuck..." I heaved.

Why did I just do that?

I shakily moved back up to my full height, twitching erratically. I was so shaken up that my tics were as bad as ever. I looked down at my hands, stained with fresh blood. I couldn't believe it... they were right...

I was just like my father.

My fingers twitched under the moonlight. I balled my hands into fists, screwing my eyes shut. Did I really...? Did I really just kill? Like he once did? The police sirens grew louder.

"FUCK!" I screeched.

I was so screwed.

Just as I was about to start running again, the wind suddenly grew heavy. The sirens were soon drowned out by the sound of slapping blades. I threw my head up to the night sky, my hair whipping in the wind. I hissed and shielded my eyes when my form was completely engulfed by a bright spotlight.

A helicopter.

"Miss Krueger, surrender now. We have you surrounded." A policeman ordered from above through a megaphone.

The police sirens fought through the sound of blades slapping as they got closer. I failed to hide my anxiety, twitching and cursing to myself. I took off running again, down the street and towards the woods. The helicopter's spotlight followed me for a while before adrenaline hit and I picked up my pace. I sprinted past parked cars and white picket fences, eyes trained on the woodsy entrance at the end of the street. I soon entered the woods, not looking back (or up). The fresh blood on my hands felt icy in the night air.

Opaque fog grew thick all around me as I ran. The helicopter and police cars grew so quiet in the distance, I was sure I lost them. The cold fog enveloped me as I stopped to catch my breath for the second time that night. It swirled around me so closely, it almost sounded as if it was whispering to me. It welcomed me with open arms, relaxing my tense muscles. I twitched slightly as my eyes drooped shut. God, I was so tired...

The fog swept me away.

The Entity's realm

As I drifted through the realm, it told me what to do. It told me what I was going to be. I had no choice but to say yes in my trying time. When the fog cleared, I silently agreed to its little deal.

When my dull eyes opened, I was greeted by the sounds of a crackling fire up ahead. I glanced down at my hands, finding my bloody fingers wrapped around the handle of a weapon. I glanced back up at the campfire a few feet away, nobody else in sight.

Not yet.

The fog gently wafted through the woods as I stood there waiting for others to arrive. Others to hunt, to kill.

They would be survivors no more.

"Fucking whore! Come on..." I growled, growing impatient. My fingers twitched around my weapon, my neck cracking as I ticked. "Fuck..." I muttered.

Though I was expecting survivors, I was met with someone else instead. I heard a deep voice from behind me, shakily calling out my name as if they couldn't believe I was even here.

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